Recent content by chocluver

  1. chocluver

    Roof of mouth yellow update. Particularly if someone is looking at this for their bird. She is still with us! She was on metronidazole (1/4 250mg tablet twice a day, 10days). The mouth lesions reduced, not completely, were less yellow and more greyish. The eye infection cleared and her demeanor was much...
  2. chocluver

    Nice rooster bullies one hen only.

    He really does! Although we do find same breeds hang out together, at least when young. She arrived by herself so not sure if that was related.
  3. chocluver

    Nice rooster bullies one hen only.

    Hi all I have 14 hens and one rooster. He is an angel of a boy, very protective, forages for them, never aggressive with them or humans. Except...he absolutely hates one hen. He chases her off food and water constantly. She's very quick and flightly and constantly has one eye on him. She is...
  4. chocluver

    Roof of mouth yellow

    Ok I will give it a week. No other chickens have it which is good news. Thanks for helping
  5. chocluver

    Roof of mouth yellow

    Does that mean it never goes by itself?
  6. chocluver

    Roof of mouth yellow

    Hello, update. I got the metronidazole and also an anti parasite medication for the whole flock as a precaution. First dose of the antibiotic seemed to make her drowsy, I thought she was dead but she was perky again 20 minutes later . The yellow bits..should I see these reduce during the...
  7. chocluver

    Roof of mouth yellow

    She's been on a nutrient rich diet for a few days since I noticed the lice. She's eating very well, still enjoying grain and she doesn't look like she has difficulty swallowing which is a surprise. The lice seem dead but I don't know yet what to do about the lice. Vet first thing tomorrow...
  8. chocluver

    Roof of mouth yellow

    Thank you for this. I read that about pigeons but no we don't, crows, magpies, small birds. Their water is cleaned regularly. I need to check all the others and get her some antibiotics tomorrow. She also has some lice and a lot of nits but the others don't, I guess that she hasn't been dust...
  9. chocluver

    Roof of mouth yellow

    Can you see it now? The yellow is not gunky it's solid
  10. Illness


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  12. chocluver

    Roof of mouth yellow

    Hello I thought my old girl had an eye infection and was treating it then noticed this in her mouth. Lots of google / forum results show canker but it doesn't look quite like the images. It doesn't smell at all, it's not soft and not weeping or pus like. I can't budge it. Her right eye has...
  13. chocluver

    Hen not eating, running out of ideas

    Never checked ears! Part of me was thinking it's like she wants to eat but can't. And I was suspicious that she laid one egg then stopped. But her abdomen feels fine. The skin is normal colour, no redness and I can't feel anything hard or unusual in her tummy. She's walking and running fine, no...
  14. chocluver

    Hen not eating, running out of ideas

    Mouth and throat look normal, no smell at all. And she's very clean round her mouth and face, not greasy looking. Also not gulping water like they do if a crop issue. Tail feathees bit ruffled but not down. I tried scrambled egg but not with oatmeal, will try. She's very keen, runs to me when I...
  15. chocluver

    Hen not eating, running out of ideas

    Thanks for this. Yes I agree I have to get as much as possible inside her or she has no chance. I mashed a bird fat ball this morning, pecked and scratched it, didn't eat it.
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