Recent content by CJones06

  1. CJones06

    question about making a plucker

    I am planning on making my own plucker. I have the fingers and a design. I'm not doing the drum style, I'm doing the one run by a drill. Here's my question...what spacing is best for the fingers?
  2. CJones06

    The Sizzle Thread!

    I would love to purchase some hatching eggs from someone. Im located in north texas. shipped would be OK too. Thanks! oh and everyones birds are so darn cute!
  3. CJones06

    Fire ants in the chicken pen

    If I could find a bird that would eat them I would probably clone it and find a way to patent it. Lol.
  4. CJones06

    whats your favorite fly control method?

    I never had much issue at my old house but the new place has bugs galore. I tried to keep onto of things last year with traps and fly strips but seemed to always have tons! What do you guys use/recommend?
  5. CJones06

    Fire ants in the chicken pen

    Be glad you don't have them, they are HORRIBLE. Just imagine if all the ants you have would bite if they get on you. At least with insects like wasps you have to provoke them.
  6. CJones06

    Fire ants in the chicken pen

    My chickens seem to be ignoring the mound so ill try some seven dust. I've never had much luck with water, it just seems to make the what's left of the mound relocate. Thanks guys!
  7. CJones06

    Fire ants in the chicken pen

    I have ants forming a mound right along the edge of one of my coops. What do you guys recommend for fire ants where the chickens can get to them? This pen is silkies so they are low to the ground and get into everything! Thanks a bunch
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