Recent content by classroomhatcher

  1. classroomhatcher

    Adding Water to Incubator

    Can someone tell me when to add water to the incubator. Thanks in Advance!!
  2. classroomhatcher

    help! 1st time incubating question, need quick answer

    Hi Julie, thanks for you quick answer. I did let them sit at room temp for 8 hours and them placed them in the bator at 99.5 this morning, so I should start turning them today? I am not sure what type of chicks they will be. I bought the eggs from an Amish farm here in Michigan. They are...
  3. classroomhatcher

    help! 1st time incubating question, need quick answer

    Hi, I am incubating eggs in my daughters 1st grade class. I have the temperature perfect in the bator, marked the eggs with X's and O'x for turning since I dont have an auto turner. Do I turn them on the first day or leave them alone? Thanks
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