Recent content by clkjohn

  1. clkjohn

    How do I get my chickens to use the perch?

    Mine are two months old and have been in their new coop 5 days they are just going up the ladder and I close the door and leave them alone I'm Sure they will figure it out
  2. clkjohn

    how often do you clean your coop

    I'm very new to this and this site is excellent for novices like myself. I have 10 2 month old Rhode Island reds. I put wood shavings in the run try spread most of it themselves I sweep the coop out each morning so far so good. I hope, lol
  3. clkjohn

    2 month old chickens arrived

    I'm really enjoying this site and appreciate the responses to my message
  4. clkjohn

    2 month old chickens arrived

    Thanks for the message
  5. clkjohn

    2 month old chickens arrived

    Thank you for your response I meant to say it was the chicken coop which is up the ladder this evening at sundown I will assist them in going up there thanks again for answering I look forward to being a part of this group
  6. clkjohn

    2 month old chickens arrived

    My 2 month old Rhode Island reds arrived yesterday 10 of them. I have a large chicken tractor that I placed them in. Do I have to place them in the upstairs coop at night myself or will they learn this themselves ?
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