Recent content by cloudy1966

  1. cloudy1966

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    Buff, Partridge, white (with a chance of lemon or porcelain and black/ gray)
  2. cloudy1966

    HELP! Chick hatched early. Hen abandoned eggs.

    Well, hens usually make their choice: baby chick versus eggs that still need incubation. I had it the other way around: my silkie momS (yes: 2 of them) decided to get back on the eggs and left their 2 newbies on the ground by themselves. As for the purchased eggs: with temperatures you describe...
  3. cloudy1966

    What means f6, please????

    I know there must be somebody out there who can tell me what f6 means?!?! Thank you!
  4. cloudy1966


    Thank you, Karen! I was actually trying to figure out "why blue doesn't breed true" and stumbled over the term "split" again. Since I have Blue Orpingtons and black (also splash of course) Orps, I tried to figure out what a black rooster and 2 blue and one black Blue Orp girls would turn into. I...
  5. cloudy1966


    Can somebody please explain to me what "split" means? What I found so far is pretty confusing. Thank you!
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