Recent content by Coach C

  1. Coach C


    I don’t have room for them in that coop as they grow. I also have people wanting them as they get older. The last one I left with the mama because she was the only one.
  2. Coach C


    That makes sense. Last hatch I only had one. This hatch I have 12. This is only my second hatch. This is my largest hatch yet, so it’s all still new to me.
  3. Coach C


    Hey everyone! Been a while. I have 12 babies that are almost 1.5 weeks old. What temp do they need when moved from mama? I am in SE Georgia.
  4. Coach C


    Hey guys! Been a while! I have a baby chick, the only one who hatched . How long should I give her some heat in the brooder this time of year?
  5. Coach C


    Thanks for the info! I am in the extremely early stages right now. I am thinking elevated pens as well. Are there pages like this one that discuss rabbits? What are some categories or things to think about in my planning?
  6. Coach C


    Hope everyone is having an amazing Holiday Season! This isn't completely chicken related, but it is...I am thinking about adding rabbits in 2017. Does anyone have rabbit experience and would love to share some advice? Can rabbits and chickens coexist, or are they better separated? Any help is...
  7. Coach C


    What's up everyone? It's been a while since I have been around. Got some questions about my galvanized waterer rusting. What does it hurt? How can I clean it? Should I just buy a new one? Thanks in advance for the help
  8. Coach C


    Papa where can you buy the spray? Also the highest feed I have found is like 16% or 18% where can I find higher?
  9. Coach C


    He is as old as the oldest hens. I haven't seen one mess with him. He seems to have pretty good control. I read on here where one said their rooster molted his whole tail
  10. Coach C


    This is my first summer with my birds. Is it normal for my rooster to Molt this early? He has been losing his bigger/longer tail feathers.
  11. Coach C


    Okay, well I candled the busted! Wasn't the worst smell ever, just can't get it out of my nose! At this point curiosity and science took over. As I looked around what was left in the egg, there was a chick. Looked to be around day 15 or so from my guess. I am thinking I am going to...
  12. Coach C


    I had my first ever chicken loss today. One of my little ones evidently tried to hatch either last night or early this morning. When Grandaddy found the egg, it was partially hatched and the chick was dead. I am assuming fully absorbed. Not sure what went wrong. I can't wait to get home tomorrow...
  13. Coach C


    I plan on watching, and smelling them for a while after. I plan on watching her as well. As I go back and look, some eggs may be younger than I thought. I think I made a rookie mistake (we talked about it on here) and didn't mark day one. I think I marked after about 3 days of broodiness...
  14. Coach C


    This is my first rodeo, so this is all a learning experience!
  15. Coach C


    Maybe some will make their entrance tonight/tomorrow! I will be home Sunday at lunch. How long can a chick actually go? I know hatch is suppose to be 21 days
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