Recent content by cody k

  1. cody k

    HUGE French Black Copper Maran

    I had a copper maran that got so heavy that when I picked her up I heard sloshing. Holding her upside down I gently pried her mouth open and water ran out like a faucet!!!!!! I ended up doing this every few days but she succumbed after several minths and passed away. I feed whole grains...
  2. cody k

    Bear Flipped over coop

    Just be sure to turn them nails down during the day to avoid injury to yourself , kids or domestic animals
  3. cody k

    Bear Flipped over coop

    When you work outside be sure to have a side arm or GOOD bear spray and do not hesitate.
  4. cody k

    Bear Flipped over coop

    Bear mats around all your coops will solve your problem
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