Recent content by Cody19

  1. C

    My Chickens Vs. An Alligator

    I love the lizards, too. My girls catch and eat mice after beating them to death. Really gross!!!
  2. C

    What to do when chickens age out of laying?

    My girls are pets. They live long, safe lives until it’s time for them to pass on. One of my Easter Eggers is 9 years old and still laying eggs. There are places that take unwanted chickens and they will not be eaten. Research a place near you. Good luck.
  3. C

    Double shell?

    I found one last week and this one this morning on the ground. Looks like an alien! I feel sorry for the hen that had to lay it. Must of hurt!
  4. C

    Swollen eyelid and swollen flesh around eye

    I use liquid silver on practically everything. I also use silver gel when I have to bandage an area. The liquid can be poured directly into the eye. It’s also safe for the chickens to drink. Just make sure it’s food/human grade. I use on them what I use on me. It kills most bacteria and viruses.
  5. C

    Comment by 'Cody19' in article 'Can Chickens Eat Grass?'

    I have 17 free range chickens on a fenced acre of land. 1/4 of it is grass which I haven’t had to mow since I got the chickens. They keep the grass short. They eat their chicken feed when they get up in the morning and when they go in at night to roost and they get snacks. Three of my hens are...
  6. C

    If you could have one chicken breed that you don't own, what would it be?

    My buffs don’t lay as much as my Americauna’s and they’re not friendly. My buff rooster is aggressive. Opposite of what I read or I would have stuck with Americauna or Easter Eggers only. More personality.
  7. C

    10 year old "retired" hen laying again after 3 years

    Update. It’s end of April and she is still laying every other day and now my 6 yo French Maran is laying, too. Impressive. You go girls! And don’t worry, I’ll let you live out your senior years with your 6 yo Silkie rooster buddy without fear of an untimely death.
  8. C

    10 year old "retired" hen laying again after 3 years

    My 6 yo EE took a year off from laying then she started laying one a week last year in summer then stopped in winter. It’s midMarch and she has already laid 12 eggs. I’m in Las Vegas area so it’s not the weather. Maybe her internal clock just started for some reason. Whatever it is, I’m glad...
  9. C


    I get these sometime. I stick them in the fridge for conversation pieces. No one believes their chicken eggs. Cute!
  10. C

    Best egg layer?!?

    My senior Easter Egger is 6 years old and still laying. She took the winter off but its midMarch and she’s given me 12 eggs already. My younger EEs are laying every day as well as my buff Orpingtons. I’m partial to the EE however.
  11. C

    How to trim rooster spurs?

    It appears to be the same as cutting the quick in a dog’s toenail. I have a silkie rooster which, as you know, has weird toenails growing every which way. Two of his nails have to be cut frequently or they touch his leg. His spur gets super long so it gets trimmed. A couple of times I have...
  12. C

    How to trim rooster spurs?

    Perhaps contacting a vet that specializes in poultry to answer your question. I read “pull” and “bleed” and I think pain to the bird.
  13. C

    How to trim rooster spurs?

    Please see attached photo with website.
  14. C

    How to trim rooster spurs?

    Do more research. Chickens feel pain but don’t always show it like all animals low on the food chain. If it bleeds it can get infected. Trimming spurs like you would dog nails is the only option unless you have a vet surgically remove the spurs.
  15. C

    How to trim rooster spurs?

    Pulling spurs out should be done by a vet since it is a part of the rooster’s leg bone.
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