Recent content by Coldjensens

  1. Coldjensens

    What is the strangest thing your chickens ate? Mine just ate crawfish Monica and aligator tail

    Eggs. If we have eggs we are not sure when they were laid, we just toss them into the run and they mob around and gobble them up shells and all. They do not seem to care if it is cooked or uncooked. This first happened when we dropped an egg when collecting. They immediately swarmed it and...
  2. Coldjensens

    Keeping the coop warm in the winter, HOW?

    These are really good ideas. I think I will do both those things. I will use a 400 watt hair dryer that has a small hose already since we have several of them around and I do not know where to get a "car heater" and I will connect the hair dryer to a thermostatic switch so it comes on when the...
  3. Coldjensens

    Keeping the coop warm in the winter, HOW?

    We had a heat lamp disaster other newbies should be warned of. We had a nice light with a metal grid in front of it designed for a chicken coop. It was our first winter with chickens. It was -20 f one night and my daughter came to me and said the light was not working. I brought it in to...
  4. Coldjensens

    Costs Of Raising Backyard Chickens - How Much Is It To Raise Chickens?

    You can cut costs a lot by improvising. For a brooder, we used a bathtub in a bathroom that we never use. just put some old sheets in the bottom and put wood chips over the sheets. Easily holds 20 chicks and it is easy to feed them and easy to clean up. Plus the bathroom is already heated...
  5. Coldjensens

    Raccoon Attack

    The coons around us will just pull the heads off our chickens and leave. They do not eat them. They even leave the heads laying there. One of our neighbors was live trapping them and bringing them to the outskirts of a small town on the mainland (we live on an island). He later learned a...
  6. Coldjensens

    Comment by 'Coldjensens' in article 'The Lafayette Chicken Compound'

    We had two problems with that type of fencing. Chicks can squeeze through it until they are fairly old and raccoon reach through and pull the heads off our chickens. We ended up putting green plastic chicken wire around the bottom. I am still glad we have that heavier large fence because it...
  7. Coldjensens

    Comment by 'Coldjensens' in article 'The Lafayette Chicken Compound'

    This is really neat. I think I will copy the run when I rebuild ours this spring. Electrical wiring is very easy if you can follow directions, just get a good book. The logic is pretty simple. High school drop outs become electricians at times, you can figure it out. One concern you may...
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