Recent content by coop45

  1. coop45


    Thank you thats exactly the one I look the name online And the pictures match my chick
  2. coop45


    Please what breed are this one? Thank you
  3. coop45

    My buff rooster start attacking me.

    I have to do some research about it to see witch roosters are good
  4. coop45

    My buff rooster start attacking me.

    I have a Buff rooster and recently start attacking me.
  5. coop45

    My Rooster start attacking me!! what to do?

    I have a Buff rooster and recently start attacking me.
  6. Barred Rock

    Barred Rock

  7. Buff Rooster in the yard

    Buff Rooster in the yard

  8. coop45

    eggs not hatching

    I think the best bet is to buy an expensive one who has everything stock temperature and humidity reader.
  9. coop45

    eggs not hatching

    I check the eggs and some didn't have anything inside but some where almost completed form I think it have to do with the temperature the thermometer that come with the machine say 99 and a digital the I use have a 110, is like 10 degree different
  10. coop45

    eggs not hatching

    I think I may have to crack a few to see whats going on.
  11. coop45

    eggs not hatching

    I have and hova bator 1602 with the fan and i fallow all the instruction and the first time i got 8 out 22 shipped eggs thats not bad but my last 2 times i got eggs from other dealer and only 1 quail out at list 50 eggs not good
  12. coop45

    eggs not hatching

    I have quail eggs in the incubator for at list 20 days and nothing happen yet not even one hatch and this is the second time happen to me. I don't know what is the problem.
  13. Default


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