Recent content by coopscoop1121

  1. coopscoop1121

    Hens not laying :/

    I'm in central Mn. Its been cool, low sixties but no drastic temp swings. She is one of the hens that came from the exotic sale two weeks ago. She cAme in a group of 3. Other than not laying the other 2 seem normal
  2. coopscoop1121

    Hens not laying :/

    I am hoping they will let me bring her in next week. She has no wheezing, coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge, etc. I have treated her with vetrx for the past three days. Hasn't seemed to make a difference
  3. coopscoop1121

    Hens not laying :/

    This is the hen that had the foamy eye. Last night I wiped it with warm water, clipped the feathers away as they were all dirty and clumping together and put some penicillin on externally. This morning her eye was not foamy and had no drainage.looks much better than it did yesterday even.
  4. coopscoop1121

    Hens not laying :/

    This is the hen with the funny growth in her eye. It has gotten bigger. At first it didn't seem to bother her, but now she is shaking her head and wiping that eye on her wing frequently.
  5. coopscoop1121

    Hens not laying :/

    Thank you everyone! I really appreciate your responses! Then hens have a large ten nest laying area and have a 25'x12' shed as their coop. It was here when we purchased the property and we have been remodeling it for the girls. The americaunas and light brahmas used to free rang eduring the day...
  6. coopscoop1121

    Hen a foamy eye!

    Did either of you find an answer? Did you find a treatment that worked? I have a hen that is experiencing the same thing.. She has a foamy eye, has been shaking her head and scratching it. Breathing is normal, no discharge nasally, no coughing, sneezing, etc. She has had it for about three...
  7. coopscoop1121

    Hen a foamy eye!

    I have a hen with the same issue... foamy eye, but is eating and drinking normally. No nasal discharge, coughing, sneezing, wheezing, etc. Did you ever find a solution to this? Did the bird get better with treatment?
  8. coopscoop1121

    Hens not laying :/

    I purchased my first group of hens about six months ago- a group of 3 light Brahmas that I was told were 1.5 years old. They laid for me when I first got them, but only 3-4 eggs each week out of all of them. They went through a soft molt about two months after I got them- some feather loss but...
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