Recent content by copefarms

  1. copefarms

    Cooper's Hawk - will it eat a full grown chicken?

    coopers hawks will indeed attack a full grow chicken they kill it then just eat the neck. They pluck the feathers off the chest and neck and eat the neck mostly. and leave the rest as trash. its quite a waste and I have lost alot of birds from them last spring
  2. copefarms

    eggs, what is important to you?

    whats important to me and my customers is that there are no hormones, antibiotics, arsenic, or other chemicals fed to my chickens thus they are not passed on to the egg. Most commercial chicken feed has things in it that the organic people dont want in their foods.
  3. copefarms

    How do chicken get respitory diseases?

    not keeping a clean coop and clean yard can cause health problems. too many chickens in too small an area can cause problems to transfer quicker.
  4. copefarms

    how much do you charge for your eggs?

    most people around here sell brown free ranged eggs for 3 dollars a dozen. there is one farm who is organic certified and they sell their brown free ranged ORGANIC eggs for 4.25 a dozen
  5. copefarms

    Black and grey cant figure it out????

    Thanks all I googled Blue Sumatra and that seems to be what it is. I had never heard of this breed before and they act and look so much differently from my other chickens LOL Thanks you all so much
  6. copefarms

    Chickens eating foam insulation!

    yeah chickens love any kind of insulation or styrofoam its their favorite
  7. copefarms

    Black and grey cant figure it out????

    We bought some chickens from the local Tractor supply and I am trying to figure out what this particular chicken is? I have two of them and they are truly an odd bird. They are a grey black colored stand very tall and upright run everywhere they go and are very cautious and nervous birds...
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