Recent content by Copperbottom

  1. Copperbottom

    RIR Help

    I’ve never had RIR and just curious. I’ve raised Wyandotte and Orpingtons but never this breed. Opinions on this little one, close to 8-9 weeks. Thinking cockerel comparing to the others pin feathers and the amount of black in tail feathers. Do I need better pics? (Comb and waddles are...
  2. Copperbottom

    Egg turner was off.

    I know they are viable at this point just dont know if it will take a few days to know if they are stuck to the shell, or how long they survive if stuck. I guess I can candle after a week and see if they are still growing.
  3. Copperbottom

    Egg turner was off.

    So I’ve incubated eggs for a few years and for some reason I set eggs and didn’t even notice the turner was off! I’m super worried and not sure when I will know if I messed up the whole hatch. Set them on Tuesday, went out of town till Friday. They were all checked and doing well so were...
  4. Copperbottom

    Look like MG? Cull?

    She was shipped to me as a day old chick. It was a really rough post office trip as only a few chicks survived. She’s been pretty much sick since then. (I call her sick because of the swollen and sometimes bubbly eyes). She even acts like she can not see well. She dies seem to stress easy...
  5. Copperbottom

    Look like MG? Cull?

    If it’s mg I know the whole flock is exposed. The only thing I can do is keep them isolated and until they are all gone, no new birds. None of my flock has shown any symptoms whatsoever so I may be stuck with them awhile. I’ve just never had issues with any birds so I’m not sure what I’m...
  6. Copperbottom

    Look like MG? Cull?

    This 9 month old pullet has been ill since it was a chick. Has been on denagard, tylan, treated with ivermectin, you name it. Anyway, she has looked this way and breathing with open beak a lot. Does this look like MG? I’ve been trying to figure out how to test for sure. She has since...
  7. Copperbottom


    noticed this tonight. Hard like a full tick. What’s the course of action?
  8. Copperbottom

    Lavender Orpingtons 10 weeks

    lol haha I see what you mean, I think it’s a shadow from the horse fence lol. They weren’t very close to it either. That was taken a few days ago. I’m out here now and I bet I could re create that effect
  9. Copperbottom

    Lavender Orpingtons 10 weeks

    You might see red zip ties, no chicken wire or anything stuck...
  10. Copperbottom

    Lavender Orpingtons 10 weeks

    They will be 10 weeks Thursday. There are definitely feather differences. I guess I’ll wait and just see. There are 8 and if a larger comb is a definite then I will have a lot of Roos
  11. Copperbottom

    Lavender Orpingtons 10 weeks

    My question is, I know combs are a good indication of sex but I’m watching tail development and what I believe to be saddle feather development and I’m trying to make a good guess on what’s what. Their combs seem to be all developing at the same pace but a few have very short tails that are...
  12. Copperbottom

    Older girls sleeping in run

    I've added a few new girls to the flick who are around 12 weeks. I've introduced them slowly and everyone is getting along as expected. The older girls hang out and the young ones stay together with normal pecking order squabbles. The issue is a few of the older girls won't go in the coop at...
  13. Copperbottom

    Eastern Ohio peeps

    For the people near or in eastern ohio, do you think it's to soon to put 5 week old browns outside in their coop with a heat lamp? It's been getting in the upper 40s at night and upper 60/ lower 70 in the day. I have them in the coop in the garage now but would love for them to get more...
  14. Copperbottom

    ISA Brown question

    It's the same one, I'll try to get better pics in a few days. They are growing fast so maybe it will help being a few days older.
  15. Copperbottom

    ISA Brown question

    They all looked the same to be honest. I just wasn't sure if the boys were true white or a buff color. I was hoping they wear all girls since they are a sex-link. I can't find a good pic to compare boys and girls at a week old.
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