Recent content by Corsair

  1. C

    Processing questions

    Oh ok. We never freeze before resting, we tried it once and the meat was like rubber.
  2. C

    Processing questions

    wondering if I can piece a bird out right on the processing table (legs, wings, breast etc) and then let that meat rest for a few days or is it better to let a whole bird rest and then cut up? Also, if I’m cutting the bird up right during processing do I still need to gut it? Thanks
  3. C

    Is this too cold for them ?

    I have my 3 week old Cornish X out on pasture now, was 9c (48f) yesterday night and 11c (52f) all day today, no issue for them. If you have a few of them (26 for me) they will keep warm no problem. These birds run hot as their metabolic rate is at full tilt.
  4. C

    Barbed wire for run roof?

    Snow load, yes. Northern Alberta Canada here.
  5. C

    Barbed wire for run roof?

    Thanks, I’ll take a look around for netting
  6. C

    Barbed wire for run roof?

    For any of you that have experience with birds of prey, would barbed wire be an acceptable roof cover? My run is 50 feet by 20 feet and I want to run a few strands of wire maybe 8 inches apart across the top. Would it keep out hawks?
  7. C

    Is my feeding schedule ok?

    Thanks for the info. Mine are also going out at 3 weeks. On your system do you feel that you get a good size bird by the end? Do you process them at the normal 8 weeks? Thanks!
  8. C

    Is my feeding schedule ok?

    Hi everyone, first time having meat birds. I’ve done a bunch of searching on feeding these birds and have come across quite a few protein % to feed at various times, but this is what I have in my area. Schedule below, does it look ok? Days 1-14: feed chick starter @ 21% (available 24...
  9. C

    Vaccinations for broilers

    Great, thanks for the info.
  10. C

    Vaccinations for broilers

    Hi everyone, new to the forum. I’ve had egg layers for a few years but always got the chicks from friends and neighbours so I’ve never had vaccines. My question is: next spring I’m going to get 20 broilers, the hatchery offers both mareks and coccidiosis vaccines. Do you guys get them? Or...
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