Recent content by CountryBumpkinsofLumpkin

  1. CountryBumpkinsofLumpkin

    how old do chicks need to be before we stop giving them starter crumb?

    obe10: I went onto this site and forum to find an answer to the same question. We have 26 chicks that are 5 weeks old, and growing rapidly with crumbles. They get jealous when we toss cracked corn, watermelon and grapes to the adults hens. I'll check back later .... Mike
  2. CountryBumpkinsofLumpkin

    month old chick -- help us

    We've had 26 chicks since they were 2 days old. They just turned a month old on Tuesday. My wife found one of the New Hampshire Reds on her side. 1. We've placed her in a 'hospital' crate with food and water 2. she peeps when we pick her up, but doesn't squeal in pain when we poke around 3. she...
  3. CountryBumpkinsofLumpkin

    Warning - Graphic pics of Internal Egg Layer Necropsy

    We have a RIR that is walking like a penguin. I found a few articles on a hen being 'egg bound'. She isn't in any pain when I pick her up and poke her. But, we are concerned. This is her 2nd week. I have 18 other hens just fine. Could she be another 'internal egg layer'? I'm going to try the...
  4. CountryBumpkinsofLumpkin

    Soft Shelled Eggs Everyday

    I found this shell-less egg tonight. It's very fragile, but complete with the yolk and egg white like a normal egg. An egg is an egg, so I'm sure it'll taste just fine. We broke it open and placed the contents in a bowl. Yes, the little 'tail' is the umbilical cord. Mike...
  5. CountryBumpkinsofLumpkin

    looking for much-needed opinions on coop location

    Sandy, We built the entire enclosure from dog kennel fencing purchased from seller's on CraigsList. The 6' x 6' hen house is covered with rough cut lumber. We have hundreds of trees on our property too. I stood in the back yard with my fence post digger, looked up and around, and dug my 1st...
  6. CountryBumpkinsofLumpkin


    We live in Dahlonega, Ga
  7. CountryBumpkinsofLumpkin

    Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

    1 - Black Australorp - we named Henrietta 1 - Rhode Island Red - we named Dum Dum (because she sleeps on the bottom roost - and comes out of the hen house each morning covered with poop We haven't named the other 4 BA and 4 RIR, but come up with a nickname whenever we catch them doing...
  8. CountryBumpkinsofLumpkin

    Empty egg shells

    The hen house is cleaned every morning, and the eggs are collected a few times a day. They are fed 22% protein pellets and a handful of cracked corn every day. Mike [email protected]
  9. CountryBumpkinsofLumpkin

    Empty egg shells

    Earlier this week, one of our black Australorps started brooding. We don't have a rooster, so the eggs she is sitting on are un-fertilized. She is sitting very low in the nesting box. Also, this week I found what looked like a small wet balloon in the hen house. It didn't feel rubbery, and...
  10. CountryBumpkinsofLumpkin

    I am so mad I could spit nails!

    First, we should pray these young adults start taking responsibility very seriously. I see 13 weeks of Marine Corps bootcamp in their future if they don't shape up or ship out. Luckily, I work from home, and my wife enjoys being a stay-at-home housewife. When the Lord blesses us with children...
  11. CountryBumpkinsofLumpkin

    Can't get a permit to build coop - building any ways

    Dear MSP, My wife and I visited the county zoning office, and were issued a 3-4 page application. We completed it, mailed and included a check for $150.00 variance fee. A week or two later, we received our application, our $150.00 check and a letter stating we were "good to go". Just be...
  12. CountryBumpkinsofLumpkin

    Chainlink kennel panels for run fencing?

    Our entire enclosure is made from dog kennel fencing. I picked it all up from 2 sellers on Craigslist. The hen house is covered with rough cut lumber and tin roofing. We secured 3' chicken wire around the base of the run and the front. We still have 8 kennel panels left to add to 'Fort Clucks'...
  13. CountryBumpkinsofLumpkin

    ••• 2008 Coop Page Contest - Win A $20 BYC Gift Certificate - ENDED

    We set up a blog for 'Fort Clucks'. We brought home (5) Rhode Island Reds and (5) Black Australorps this morning. The blog shows from beginning to end pictures. We started March 1st and finished on April 26th. The hen house is 6' x 6', and the run is 6' x 14'. The total enclosure is made of...
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