Recent content by countrychick628

  1. countrychick628

    Baby chick can't stand up!

    It did eat and drink. I would hold him and put his beak to water and chick starter, I also like using poweraide. Unfortunately he did not make it, I think the others suffocated him.
  2. countrychick628

    baby chick cant stand or walk

    Oh yea it can move them. He uses them to push himself around. When you pick him up he will thrash his legs.
  3. countrychick628

    baby chick cant stand or walk

    This baby hatched 3 days ago. He seems healthy . he just cant walk or stand up. Please help.
  4. countrychick628


    I am kinda new to backyard chickens. I have researched things lots of times, but just recently joined. I have white plymouth rocks. I have 2 roosters and 2 hens. I also hatch and raise them. I am excited to be a part of this amazing group.
  5. countrychick628

    Baby chick can't stand up!

    This baby hatched 2 days ago and it cant stand up or walk. Can someone please help me ? Thanks,
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