Recent content by Countrygirl19726

  1. C

    Duckling wing injury or just preening?

    Hello to all of you, I’m hoping I can get an answer. One of my big ducklings has developed this on her wing tip. At first I thought it was dirt but then she swam around and I was helping her clean up and noticed it was dried blood and then she had new blood after the bath. Is it due to her...
  2. C

    Fresh herbs for ducklings and chics?

    Is it okay for me to chop up fresh herbs and give it to the babies? We are going into week 8 for chics and ducklings so I believe they are teens now.
  3. C

    Hello from Michigan

    I’m a new chic and duckling owner. We had chickens growing up on our farm and I just couldn’t wait to have some of my own. I’m building a coop as I write my intro repurposing many things while my ducklings and chics hang out in their brooder which was constructed out of two kiddie pools… I have...
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