Recent content by Courtney134

  1. Courtney134

    **Im a little offended!**

    Quote: That was my first thought as well.
  2. Courtney134

    First Egg - YAY!! - And a question

    Quote: Ok.. at least 3/4 of our eggs are like this. I just pick them out. I won't lie.. they gross me out a little. It seems like it's getting less frequent now that they've been laying a couple weeks. Thanks for the info!
  3. Courtney134

    Lights or No?

    Oh, and thanks for your opinions! My chickens just started laying the end of last month, and I have 4 more that might be starting in another couple weeks or so. So, sounds like they may not molt this Winter. I like the idea of putting a light in at 5AM.. I think we'll probably go that route...
  4. Courtney134

    Lights or No?

    Quote: Yes, we have.. I saw some heated waters at TSC. Our winters get down to below 0.. yuck.
  5. Courtney134

    Lights or No?

    This is my first year with chickens, and I'm wondering what you all do when the days start getting shorter? Do you put a light in the coop or just let them go? I was reading the article in the sticky and was wondering what most people do as far as lighting and heat? I'm in NE Ohio, if that...
  6. Courtney134

    free range & coop question

    I was so nervous when I first let mine out! I let them out about 4PM.. so they have about 4 hours of free ranging. Lately they've been flying out of their 10 foot high run fence earlier than that though. Grr. Anyway, yes, they do come back on their own. A couple times my son shut the door...
  7. Courtney134

    how long until the next egg?!?

    I have 5 hens that are of laying age, and I get 2 eggs a day. I'm not sure if it's the same 2 laying every day or if they are laying every other day, or what they're doing. I do know when I got my first egg, I didn't get one the next day, and then the next day I got two. I let them out of...
  8. Courtney134

    First egg TODAY!!!

    Quote: I <3 the sound of a rooster crowing! OH, and I have Golden Sex-Links, and so far 6 eggs from 2 of them. All tiny like the OP. haha.
  9. Courtney134

    *Hides* I can't tell the difference between our eggs and store eggs..

    I've only had 6 eggs so far, and I didn't get to eat any of them today. But my kids seemed to really like them. I was really surprised by the color of the yolks.. like a dark orange, and they are nearly IMPOSSIBLE to crack. And once I do crack them, they're still really hard to get to...
  10. Courtney134

    yeah!!! first eggs

    That's a lot bigger than ours was! Yay for you! I've been checking the box obsessively today waiting to see if I get another one (first one was yesterday).
  11. Courtney134

    Hard shelled eggs!

    My first (and only so far) egg was like that.. took 3 times to crack. I bought brown free-range, organic, blah blah eggs from the store earlier this week, and the shells were AWFUL. They were all crumbly weird and stuck to the egg like glue. I threw the whole thing away. It almost made me...
  12. Courtney134

    First Egg - YAY!! - And a question

    We got our first egg yesterday from one of the Golden Sex-Links - She is almost 18 weeks.. my question is that when I cracked it this morning (holy hard shell! took 3x), there was a brownish/red little something attached to the yolk. Is that typical for one of the first eggs?
  13. Courtney134

    (brief) free ranging success!

    Mine head straight for the woods and KEEP GOING! I'm gonna try again in a few weeks, maybe.
  14. Courtney134

    Any idea what they are mixed with and/or what is up with their hair??

    No help on gender.. but those are the cutest things I have ever seen.. I love them!! ETA: I really want that first pic as my wallpaper.. haha
  15. Courtney134

    My turn, 5 week old EE- roo?7 weeks now, new pics

    Quote: IDK but I'd like to know too.. I do have a gray/white EE that I'm 90% sure is a pullet. BTW - That's a CUTE chicken!
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