Recent content by CowGirlMomma

  1. CowGirlMomma

    most beautiful silkie Cochin cross

    Thank you! She has been a wonderful broody Momma
  2. CowGirlMomma

    Azure blue

  3. CowGirlMomma

    Official BYC Poll: How Long Have You Been Raising Chickens?

    Been raising chickens 5 years. It all started with wanting real eggs with yellow yolks. It seemed all the eggs I bought, when scrambled had no colour. Last year was my 1st 2 attempts hatching eggs... I got 5/7 and 7/7. I started with 6 red sex links, then a friend needed to rehome 2 of his... so...
  4. CowGirlMomma

    most beautiful silkie Cochin cross

    Got this itty bitty on the wknd. Silkie x, not sure what the cross is... does anyone here know? Pullet or Roo?
  5. CowGirlMomma

    most beautiful silkie Cochin cross

    Got this itty bitty on the wknd... Silkie X... do you know what the cross is? Roo or Pullet?
  6. CowGirlMomma

    Canadians check in here....

    A friend of mine has legbars, love them! Of course I want some lol! I love my blue ameraucana hen, would love more of her too! I've never heard of the hedemora!!! Will have to google them... My first hatch only 5/7 hatched... only 1 was a pullet... so 4 roos, lol! My 2nd hatch all 7 hatched...
  7. CowGirlMomma

    Canadians check in here....

    I've never heard of hedemora before! I'd love to have crested legbars some day! Right now I'm trying to re-home the 15 week roos from my July hatch. Yes, the blue egg is from my blue ameraucana (Bernice). One of my polish girls is a mix... she just started to lay a blue/green egg. I bought some...
  8. CowGirlMomma

    Canadians check in here....

    Silkies, Polish, RSL, BSL, Ameraucana / Easter Eggers & BCM roos. What do you have?
  9. CowGirlMomma

    Canadians check in here....

    I've had chickens for almost 5 years.
  10. CowGirlMomma


    Yes! Thank you!
  11. CowGirlMomma


    Thank you for responding! Appreciate it! Yes, I do have a small food scale I can use. Would you suggest I put it on neck, under wings, under vent? OR just on their necks?
  12. CowGirlMomma

    Canadians check in here....

    I'm in Peterborough, Ontario
  13. CowGirlMomma

    Thanks much for the add!

    Thank you! I'm in Canada, hope to find a link for my Province here...
  14. CowGirlMomma

    Thanks much for the add!

    Thank you!
  15. CowGirlMomma

    Thanks much for the add!

    Thank you!
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