Recent content by Cpb1974

  1. Cpb1974


    is pea gravel a form of grit? I have my girls in a very large chicken yard with a sand/dirt floor . They have access to grass and weeds as well. I was wondering if pea gravel is a form of grit (I’ve just made a gravel pit and filled it with pea gravel) or is their dirt floor enough????
  2. Cpb1974

    Medical advice

    Ok thank you
  3. Cpb1974

    Medical advice

    I believe I could manage to create a location for her in the chicken yard and then move her back to the coop at night. She can stand on it but she does sometimes fall over because of it. I’m just very confused and worried for her. Is there anything I can give her for pain that you might be aware...
  4. Cpb1974

    Medical advice

    please help.... my 10 week old SLW hurt her leg. She’s limping really bad. It doesn’t look broken , no scrapes of any kind. Should I put her in a small cage to limit her exercise ? Or is putting her in a cage and separating her from the rest of her flock going to cause unnecessary stress...
  5. Cpb1974

    Predator proofing

    Can someone or all of you LOL please give me advice on what to use to wrap around my chicken yard to keep predators out ? TIA
  6. Cpb1974

    Need advice

    I have an adult hen who sneezes when she wipes her bill.... she sounds like a goose lmbo
  7. Cpb1974

    Need advice

    Yes I agree. I’m actually raising them for a dear friend of mine they will be leaving Monday
  8. Cpb1974

    Need advice

    EE’s and isa Browns, it was 75 degrees and all grass. They are staying in a brooding area in my garage. I use pine shavings for bedding and clean it out once a week....
  9. Cpb1974

    Need advice

    so I took my 5 week olds outside today and noticed every single one of them are sneezing. Should I be concerned?
  10. Cpb1974

    Merging my flock

    I just noticed you are from s/w Michigan, where about are you from? I’m in N/W Ohio .... literally right on the Michigan Ohio border next to 23 :)
  11. Cpb1974

    Merging my flock

    THANK YOU!!! great advice :frow
  12. Cpb1974

    8week old SLW??

    Hi , did you see the other pics I posted of my SLW? Curious to know what you think? Thank you
  13. Cpb1974

    Merging my flock

    I be had it this way for about 1 week. Today I noticed my adult chicks , about 1.5 years old....dust bathing and soaking up the sun along next to my 8 week old chicks. I’m taking this as a good sign.
  14. Cpb1974

    Merging my flock

    hello everyone, I have a 10x10 coop with a 60x13 ft attached chicken yard. Inside the coop I have a portable chicken cage where I keep my 12..8 week old chicks separated from my 3 adult hens and 1 rooster but still visible. 1/4 of my chicken yard is for my 8 week olds divided off from my adult...
  15. Cpb1974


    Uhhh the anticipation!!!! Lol :barnie
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