Recent content by crazychick

  1. crazychick


    Thanks for the replies-I will start tomorrow. One of them doesn't seem to be doing well...sits off by herself under the light, a little aloof. She does drink and eat a bit. Hoping the vinegar might pep her up...any other ideas? Vitamins? Sugar water?
  2. crazychick


    Just wondered...can chicks be given apple cider vinegar in their water? I give it to the hens, but not sure if it's ok for the babies...
  3. crazychick

    Why does this happen?

    Went in this morning to let the flock out for the day, and there were 2 eggs sitting on the feed can lid where the girls had been roosting. Went to pick up the eggs (which I thought were normal) and they were very soft, though there was a shell on them-felt dry yet gelatinous, but perfect...
  4. crazychick

    Connecticut folk in the house?

    Hi all in CT!! I posted in another area, but maybe this is where I should post, as I do reside in CT myself- I have 8-9, count 'em 8-9!!!, roosters that I need to find homes for before they get their spurs and bloody and kill each other. So far they do the fluffing and chasing, but there hasn't...
  5. crazychick


    Hi all in CT!! I posted in another area, but maybe this is where I should post, as I do reside in CT myself- I have 8-9, count 'em 8-9!!!, roosters that I need to find homes for before they get their spurs and bloody and kill each other. So far they do the fluffing and chasing, but there hasn't...
  6. crazychick

    Free Roosters-CT

    Hi everyone- Well, my success at raising egg-layers seems to have come to a sudden halt. I picked up 6 Barred Rock and 6 RIR chicks (sexed) in May. After they had grown a little, I noticed that a few seemed to definitely be roosters (crowing at 6 am!!!). I contacted the woman I had received...
  7. crazychick

    managing multiple roosters?

    Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to this post-crazy life that I live!! I took two of the RIR 'roos (positively ID'd) back to the woman I purchased them from and she sweetly exchanged them for little girls. The other RIR I have been watching carefully, and think I may have been mistaken...
  8. crazychick

    How to tell a Roo?

    Thanks-I have RI reds and Barred Rocks-they are all they same age, there is one BR I can tell is definitely a rooster-large spur (hook-what my son calls them)) bumps, large bright red comb and waddles (and he crows LOL!!) There are no others that look like him in the BR's yet I heard one crow...
  9. crazychick

    How to tell a Roo?

    OK-I give up. I have 12 chickens. They are about 14 weeks old. One BR I can tell is a roo-he has started to get those lovely "hooks" as my kid calls them. He is also crowing and proud of it!! I have heard crowing in the henhouse when he is in the run, so I know that there is at least another...
  10. crazychick

    managing multiple roosters?

    I purchased 12 "sexed" chicks about 15 weeks ago. Last week my husband said he heard one of the "girls" attempting a weak crow in the morning when he went to feed. I hadn't heard anything so thought he was mistaken. Come to find out, I had what appeared to be 9 hens and 3 RIR 'roos. Today as I...
  11. crazychick

    What not to feed?

    I finally have my girls (12-6 RI Reds, 6 Barred Rocks) and have been reading thru posts trying to find "snack" ideas for them. I could spend hours-which I do-reading posts, and all informative. Many make me smile or downright laugh. I am afraid of feeding something that will make them sick, and...
  12. crazychick

    plasic bins for nesting boxes?

    Good idea. I was playing around on youtube last night (I actually couldn't believe how many coops are on there!!) and saw another great idea for a nesting box that I might use- Five gallon paint buckets!!! Turned on side and lid cut in 1/3 to use for front of box. We have many of these around...
  13. crazychick

    plasic bins for nesting boxes?

    Aupoet-would love to see a picture or two of your idea for outside nests. I have been thinking of using tubs myself, and thought I would place them on the ground on the opposite wall from where the girls enter, eat and roost. The mention of the covers getting covered in poop doesn't thrill me...
  14. crazychick

    Food and Water - Inside the Coop or Outside in the Run?

    Ok-I have FINALLY (3 yrs of trying to convince hubby) gotten my "babies" and starting to set up their coop and run. I have a few questions that I hope I can get opinions on. 1) Food and water containers-should I hang them or place them on the floor? 2) Can I use a dog pen as a run/tractor for my...
  15. crazychick

    How did you come up with your screen name?

    Well, I guess the name says it all- I am one CRAZY CHICK!!!
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