Recent content by CrazyChickenLady79

  1. CrazyChickenLady79

    Ducklings one day old--Welsh Harlequins!

    Here are some pictures of mine. The one with green head and light colored bill is a drake, or a male. And The white one with brown and dark beak is my female. They are very pretty birds, and lots of people get them confused with Mallards. These are my favorite birds out of all I have. I've got...
  2. CrazyChickenLady79

    feeding sprouts, grass alternative?

    Our chickens are used to worms, beetles, moths, vegetable/fruit scraps. We started them off young. They love it all. We also give them the grass from mowing. Makes for good hay and it's kinda like a "surprise" when they find the bugs or seeds mixed in.
  3. CrazyChickenLady79

    Speckled Susex with swollen and spongy chest. Acting sick.

    I just want to thank you for saving my chicken! Her crop is smaller than a golf ball and she is much more active now. She is eating plain mushy oatmeal and drinking more now. She is chirping at me when I go in there. So thank you very much!
  4. CrazyChickenLady79

    Speckled Susex with swollen and spongy chest. Acting sick.

    How is your chicken doing today? Our chicken seems to be doing better. Her chest is still swollen, but seems to be going down. It is bigger than a golf ball, but smaller than a baseball. Few days ago it was about the size of a softball. She doesn't seem to like the yogurt (only kind I could...
  5. CrazyChickenLady79

    Newbie here

    They are very calm chickens. I call our Mama's because they are good sitters (so I've heard). I think the Aracana (don't know correct spelling) is my favorite! Kids enjoyed the colored eggs.
  6. CrazyChickenLady79

    Speckled Susex with swollen and spongy chest. Acting sick.

    Her chest seems to be a little bigger, but she's fiesty. We have cats inside also and she fluffs out her feathers and is very aware of everything around her. She is having bm and drinking plenty of water. We did not give her any more vitamins, just the vinegar in water. Not sure if she'll pull...
  7. CrazyChickenLady79

    Speckled Susex with swollen and spongy chest. Acting sick.

    I massaged her chest and also added the vinegar to her water. She is in a large dog kennel in the bathroom. I appreciate all the help/advice! We also have vitamins to put in water. Figured if she has been weak (due to not enough nutrition) it would help.
  8. CrazyChickenLady79

    Speckled Susex with swollen and spongy chest. Acting sick.

    Thank you for all your help! Will do this tonight. Thank you for fixing my posts also!
  9. CrazyChickenLady79

    Speckled Susex with swollen and spongy chest. Acting sick.

    They all have plenty of grit and fresh food/water. Sorry for the double posting. On a cell phone in the country with little signal.
  10. CrazyChickenLady79

    Speckled Susex with swollen and spongy chest. Acting sick.

    They all have plenty of grit and fresh food/water. Sorry for the double posting. On a cell phone in the country with little signal.
  11. CrazyChickenLady79

    Speckled Susex with swollen and spongy chest. Acting sick.

    I went out to look at her and brought her in the house for hubs to look at. We flipped her upside down and stinky liquid (see through yellowish) came out of her mouth. I believe it is liquid in/on her chest that is making it feel spongy. I have her seperated and she seems weak.
  12. CrazyChickenLady79

    Newbie here

    Thank you! Does anyone have a pic of Lavender Orphinton (speling might be wrong)? This sounds interesting and we have the Buff Orph.
  13. CrazyChickenLady79

    Speckled Susex with swollen and spongy chest. Acting sick.

    Speckled Sussex with swollen chest. She is not moving much and not sure she is eating/drinking properly - or even laying eggs. She was born end of June and started laying eggs a day before Thanksgiving. We noticed her sick/lazy behaviour a few hours ago. I'm thinking she should be seperated as...
  14. CrazyChickenLady79

    Newbie here

    Hello all. Hope I am posting in the right spot. Hubs and I have Buff Orphington, Speckled Sussex, Silver Laced Wyandot, Aracana, Buff Laced Polish, Frizzle Cochin (Bantam), and Black Stars. First time I've ever raised chicks from day old. They are all very interesting chickens with different...
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