Recent content by CrazyChickMom

  1. CrazyChickMom

    Question about egg yolks

    I too have this problem with free range chickens. Doesn't matter if it's fresh from the box or in the frig for a day or two. I can find no useful information on why my yolks break. However, my gut is telling me it's nutritional. I'm going to put vitamins in their water to see if this helps.
  2. CrazyChickMom

    Swollen eyes/Respiratory illness?

    When its ammonia toxicity how do you treat?
  3. CrazyChickMom

    Sneezing and healthy?

    My chickens started out sneezing every now and then and now most of them are all very sick. I would take immediate action. I thought dust at first but now I know it wasn't.
  4. CrazyChickMom

    Broody Hen PROBLEM!

    I finally have a broody BO. Trouble is she is in a nesting box that is about 4-5 feet off the ground. This will pose a problem once/if the chicks do hatch. Should I move her? And if yes, where and how? Will a cardboard box in the coop with some bedding work? Do I need to be concerned with...
  5. CrazyChickMom

    New chickens ~ diarrhea ~ what are some healthy treats?

    I would not change their feed. They are old enough to be on layer. Keep up with the yogurt and try some ACV in their water.
  6. CrazyChickMom

    Stay At Home Mom Blues...

    The same thing happened to me although I don't recall ever being a "model" stay at home mom. The job wasn't for me. Although I love my kids and my was a thankless job. I needed to feel like I was contributing to society in a positive way. I started crying all the time and sat...
  7. CrazyChickMom

    Maybe just messed up big time?

    I too am relieved. A similar thing happened to me today although I wasn't the one who dropped it...the hen did as she laid it from the roost! There was barely the shell left by the time I got there!
  8. CrazyChickMom

    Anyone using Solar or Wind Power?

    Great question...I am curious as well.
  9. CrazyChickMom

    Water for winter has heated dog/poultry bowls for $18.37!
  10. CrazyChickMom

    Water for winter

    I see it only works for -10 degrees. What if its colder? Anything out there that works for colder temps?
  11. CrazyChickMom

    PLEASE HELP - Two Down In One Night!!! UPDATE-DIAGNOSIS in first post

    I think it was Three Horses that had told me in the past that we are not suppose to mix our vitamins with the antibiotic. It lessens the effects of the medicine. I would leave the vitamins out for now. I've made a mistake...its not the vitamins its the dairy that is not suppose to be mixed...
  12. CrazyChickMom

    Uudate: Page 4- Polish - What sex are these 20 week-olds? 4 Pics

    Regardless of all that....I say they are all hens! I've had a Polish roo and he looks nothing like any of these birds.
  13. CrazyChickMom

    Raining "in" the coop?

    I've read it and thank you very much. I guess I will just have to come up with a good plan. The top of the east wall would be ideal however, the way it was built won't allow for this. (old wood shed). Definitely the west wall above the roosts....there would be no draft. you...
  14. CrazyChickMom

    Raining "in" the coop?

    Ok. I was concerned about insulating the ceiling at this point with all the water. Perhaps its best to use a Styrofoam sheet type and cover it with cardboard? I'm doing good with poop clean up...scrape the poop board and spot clean the floor and then put fresh pine shavings down daily. For...
  15. CrazyChickMom

    Raining "in" the coop?

    We had a real heavy frost last night so this morning I put straw down on the floor and covered it with pine shavings for extra warmth. I have a metal roof and now there is condensation on the ceiling and many droplets falling to the floor. Now what? It must be a ventilation issue?
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