Recent content by crazyduckgirl04

  1. crazyduckgirl04

    Blue spots on my ducks bill

    I'll have to take pictures tommorow because at the moment I don't have one.
  2. crazyduckgirl04

    What breed is this duck?

    The bib??
  3. crazyduckgirl04

    What breed is this duck?

    Thank you so much! ❤️❤️
  4. crazyduckgirl04

    Prolasped Duck Phallus plz help!!

    Thank you! That's exactly what I did! He's totally fine now and had a great second birthday
  5. crazyduckgirl04

    Can I feed my ducks feeder fish?

    The birthday boys were Puddles, Waddles, and James! They had a very great second birthday I ended up making them a huge salad sorry for the late reply lol I'm having a hard time using this website
  6. crazyduckgirl04

    What breed is this duck?

    Thank you so much!
  7. crazyduckgirl04

    Blue spots on ducks bill

    My duck has blue spots on his bill. Especially around and on his nostrils. Help is this bad? Or is he ok?
  8. crazyduckgirl04

    Blue spots on my ducks bill

    my duck has blue spots on his bill mostly on his nostrils. Help is this a disease or something I need to treat. He acts normal and is totally healthy. I think he's fine. Right?
  9. crazyduckgirl04

    What breed is this duck?

    My duck Dumpling has a crest but I'm not sure what breed he actually is . He's a rescue duck so I never knew what he is. Here's a picture: It would be great if you guys could help me figure out what kind of duck he is. Thankyou!
  10. crazyduckgirl04

    Can I feed my ducks feeder fish?

    It's my ducks birthday and I wanted to do something special. But I I keep reading about different stuff like that fish carry worms or diseases and it's bad for ducks. what do you guys think?? I also heard that fish make duck eggs taste weird but it's a drake so yeah..
  11. crazyduckgirl04

    Prolasped Duck Phallus plz help!!

    His phallus is not infected or black but it just wont go back in cutting it isnt neccesart j kust need advice on how to put it back in.
  12. crazyduckgirl04

    My. Duck wont open its eye

    I will definitely try this. Thank you! But my other duck now has a problem can you go check it out on my profile. He has a prolasped Phallus I don't know if you know anything about it
  13. crazyduckgirl04

    My. Duck wont open its eye

    My ducks eye is stuck shut and it appears to bother her . Im not sure if shes doing anything on her own. Eating, drinking, bathing. I bath her and put vEterycin in her eye is there anything elese i should do? Or am i doing it wrong. Plz help her eye seems to be leaking something. I dont knoe...
  14. crazyduckgirl04

    My duck. Has a prolasped penis

    I dont know what to do guys. This morning my duck was mating and now his penis wont go back in! Plz help quick i dont know what to do!!!!!!!:(
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