Recent content by crazywelder72

  1. crazywelder72

    Pekin liquid poop

    As it turned out she was just needing a lot more grass in her diet. As soon as she was getting tons of outside time it clumped up nicely
  2. crazywelder72

    Pekin liquid poop

    I've picked up some grit and some oyster shells today. Let's see if this helps.
  3. crazywelder72

    Pekin liquid poop

    I have 2 little knuckleheads (1 M Rouen & 1 F Pekin). They both are 7 months old and quite the pair. I have also had 1 Rouen in the past. Anyhow they are indoor ducks and get plenty of outside time too. Both are on the same diet and she is egg laying. My question is.... His droppings are like...
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