Recent content by critterlover

  1. critterlover

    What is this?

    I just happen to think, is it safe to eat an egg from a chicken that has this condition?
  2. critterlover

    What is this?

    OK, so I just read those two threads.....very depressing. I lost one of my buffs when she was only about one year old. Found her dead one morning, not a mark on her. Just a little over a month ago I lost one of my barred rocks. Her vent was wet and it almost looked like she had prolapsed. I...
  3. critterlover

    What is this?

    This must not happen all the time because there are many days when I get 4 good eggs, so I know whichever hen has this problem is capable of laying a normal egg some times. I will check their abdomens tomorrow. As far as being vocal when laying....well ALL my hens love to announce very loudy...
  4. critterlover

    What is this?

    Infection??? How do I resolve this? What kind of infection could it be? I think I found another one under their roost. I have four hens, how do I figure out who is laying these? Are there signs of illness I should be looking for?
  5. critterlover

    What is this?

    I found this on my hens drop board today. All other poops are normal. It is the size of a golf ball. All hens are acting normal. What is it?
  6. critterlover

    Chickens turning on a single chicken

    It's just such a strange situation after all this time. I hate to see her nervous like that and I'm afraid she won't try to get to the feed so I am watching that.
  7. critterlover

    Chickens turning on a single chicken

    I have 7 chickens who have been living together since chicks and are now 2 years old (no roo). Everything was fine until a couple of days ago when they started to pick on one of my buffs. She never tries to fight with anyone and just runs aways. All the chickens, even my smaller girl who is...
  8. critterlover

    Sharing some info: feather picking and peepers

    I just want to say that after doing a ton of research I decided to try peepers in early summer. They did NOT do one thing to stop the hens from plucking feathers. As a matter of fact I think my girls have less feathers now than before. Now that winter is coming I'm worried because I have bald...
  9. critterlover

    How long will a hen stay broody?

    I am having a similar issue with one of my Buff's. It has only been four days, but she comes out into the run for about 10 minutes a day and that's it. At first I thought she may be sick, but she looks fine. I don't have a rooster either, so questioned whether a hen can be broody. How long...
  10. critterlover

    Chicken Found Dead

    This morning when I opened the coop to let my chickens out, one of them was dead. She was laying on her side on the drop board under the roost and looks like she just fell asleep. I can't find one thing wrong with her. She doesn't have a mark on her anywhere. She had been dead a few hours...
  11. critterlover

    Do Peepers Really Work??

    No, I can't free range. My chickens are pets and we have three different kinds of very large hawks that hang out in the trees on our property. They are not getting a free lunch from me! All my chickens are very sweet to me and got along fine until this winter (their first). When we had...
  12. critterlover

    Do Peepers Really Work??

    I've tried extra protein before. Not sure if it really made that much of a difference. I can try it again. I sprayed Blu Kote on her last night and put her in the garage for the evening. I tossed alfalfa hay, sunflower seeds and scrambled eggs in their run this morning to keep them busy. I...
  13. critterlover

    Do Peepers Really Work??

    I have done EVERYTHING for my chickens and I am going insane with their feather picking!! I am going to have bald chicken pretty soon. They have plenty of room, fresh air, water, feed, vegetables, grain, etc. They never even looked at the cabbage I hung for them. They used the Flock Block...
  14. critterlover

    NEED ADVICE! Green skin on chicken?

    They get fresh veggies/greens every day along with Layena feed. I have been feeding them extra protein in various forms every day in case that was the problem. I got a head of cabbage, but was not able to get it set up to hang by myself and hubby has been getting home after dark every day...
  15. critterlover

    NEED ADVICE! Green skin on chicken?

    Despite all my efforts and a pampered life, my chicken have taken to plucking each other this winter. No blood or sores. Missing feathers around vent and only down feathers around hip area. They have recently started plucking around a few of the chickens necks down to the skin, still NO...
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