Recent content by CvilleCluckers

  1. CvilleCluckers

    Need help with identification.

    Is this simply a mixed breed? Also, is the hen in the foreground an orpington or sex-link? Thanks for your help.
  2. CvilleCluckers

    What breed are these?

    I recently acquired 8 hens and am new to chicken "farming". I've tried to research what breeds I now have, but I'm struggling with a couple. These two I cannot determine. The small hen in the background is about half the size as the white hen.
  3. CvilleCluckers

    The Duck Thread

    I am new to owning ducks and was wondering the best approach to get them to enter their roost at night. They are currently in with my chickens because of the bitterly cold temps (-6) here in Wisconsin. I did build them a separate area under the stoop to the chicken coop (access to the right of...
  4. CvilleCluckers

    Hello from Wisconsin

    After several years hinting around about getting chickens, my wonderful wife (who has a severe bird phobia) lined up for our family to get 8 chickens and 5 ducks from a friend. She certainly deserves wife of the year award! Once I got the coop in place, I feverishly worked on setting up a...
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