Recent content by cyart

  1. cyart


    I put the cornmeal on and around the ants last night and today there were less ants. I'm crossing my fingers that it works! Thanks so much for the cornmeal and other suggestions! Oh, and I don't know why my chickens won't eat the ants! I figured it would a great snack for them. Christine
  2. cyart


    Question - my chickens do not eat the ants that are in their coop. I try and smoosh the ants, but yet they still live! Someone told me cinnamon will deter the ants. But will it harm the chickens???? Or does someone have another suggestion? Thanks! Christine
  3. cyart

    My "chicks" are about 7 weeks now

    and, other than bread, will not eat any treats. I've tried watermelon, strawberries, yogurt, lettuce, rama noodles... they just look at it, may peck at it, and go about their business. What the heck is their problem? Will they like treats when they get older or are my chicks missing the "treats...
  4. cyart

    My girls put themselves to bed - first time!

    Mine have been out for a week now and I still have to take them from the run into the coop to go to sleep. WHen I go out to get them, it is dark and they are cuddled together outside in the run.I think my chicks are mentally challenged or something. How long do you think this will last until...
  5. cyart

    North Jersey CS anyone? - cancelled

    Hi. I'm in Easterm PA, about 10 minutes from NJ. I could do a Northern NJ CS. Christine
  6. cyart

    Help me name these chicks!

    Betty and Veronica! Christine
  7. cyart

    Streaming Marans Cam ON

    That's great!! When I went on one of the chicks was pecking at the camera. Too cute! Great idea! Christine
  8. cyart

    I've built my coop

    and my run for my 4 chickens. My question is, do I need a roost? I didn't put one in the plans. I can easily get on in the run, but to put one in the coop will take up a lot of space. Do I really need one for the girls? Christine
  9. cyart

    How can I get my chicks to go in their coop?

    The girls are outside during the day this week and next week they will be out for good. My question is... they have yet to go in their coop. I tried putting them in there and they run right out. Do you think once it's dark they'll go in there? Any suggestions on my stubborn chicks? Christine
  10. cyart

    Telling apart chicks

    I only have 4 chicks and my kids (and I) would really like to name them, but can't really tell them apart! Does anyone have any tricks or ideas? Two ideas I had were to 1: paint one of their nails a different color; 2: buy different colored leg bands. I don't think I want to do the leg bands...
  11. cyart

    The girls' first time outside. ( & Pics)

    They are one week today - a cross breed of a RIR and white something or other. I'd love to name them, but I can't tell them apart!!!! I can only tell one of them apart from the rest because she has prominent stripes on her back, but I'm afraid when she gets her adult feathers in the stripes...
  12. cyart

    The girls' first time outside. ( & Pics)

    They are a RIR cross-breed. They were only out for about 20 minutes because I didn't know if I could take them out or not, but it was so hot today, I figured it was a good day to introduce them to the world. Oh, and the coop isn't done. It only has the two sides of the run done (the sides...
  13. cyart

    The girls' first time outside. ( & Pics)

    Although my chicks are a week old today, I decided that it was so warm out (in the 90's) that it wouldn't hurt to take the girls outside for a little. So, I took them out for about 20 minutes. The coop was 1/2 shade and 1/2 sun when I took them out and although I thought they would stay in the...
  14. cyart

    anyone live in Pa

    Sure did! When I got them she handed them to me in lunch-sized paperbag! Too funny! Did you get yours at Moyers too? If so, how are yours doing? Christine Quote:
  15. cyart

    See how we've grown

    What a great post and pictures! My, my, they grow up so fast!! Christine
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