Recent content by dadreda

  1. dadreda

    (No Response) Do you think this will work Same seller few dollars cheaper (probably ebay fees vs home site) Has good feedback through ebay, customers happy with purchase I'm going to order one.
  2. dadreda

    ? from a new member

    Quote: Thank you. I was hoping it was going to be an Easter Egg chicken because I wanted her to have pretty eggs. Sorry, I did not know my dad signed in:)
  3. dadreda


    Quote: Well, hello Neighbor! Where abouts in Cumberland Furnace are you located? Little Bartons Creek, near Slayden Cemetary:frow
  4. dadreda

    Tell me its a girl!

    Would you mind telling me why you think ROO?
  5. dadreda

    Tell me its a girl!

    Here is a closer pic.
  6. dadreda

    Tell me its a girl!

    Sure thought this was a pullet, it has a small pink comb and small wattles while all the others have large red combs ad wattles.
  7. dadreda

    Tell me its a girl!

    This one is 20 weeks today. Whats your thoughts Im moving the crowing birds to another coop I think this ones a pullet. I have a few more birds in question I will post pic late.
  8. dadreda


    Cumberland Furnace it is south of Clarksville. Close to you Spring Creek I know your place.
  9. dadreda

    Roos runnig out of time

    Quote: Yes, those are not all roos. which ones do you think are pullets?
  10. dadreda

    Roos runnig out of time

    The rehomed roo did't last a day his dog ate him.
  11. dadreda

    How much do chickens cost per year?

    Quote: Not obsessed yet!
  12. dadreda

    Roos runnig out of time

    One has a new home.
  13. dadreda

    Ahhhhhh!!! I did it! I ordered my chicks!!

    Congrats! Which hatchery did you order through?
  14. dadreda

    Winter egg laying

    What type of lighting is recommended?
  15. dadreda

    New Chicks with pics

    I have 10 new Chicks I pick up from TSC I pulled them from the assorted pullet tub. they didn't have straight run tub so I'm hoping I have a majority of pullets. I pulled out a aquarium that I built several years ago and it's working out great for a brooder. Here are a few pics of the new chicks.
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