Recent content by dairyman

  1. dairyman

    Guinea Keet B2 Deficiency

    I bought 12 guinea keets last weekend. All was going well until I noticed one laying on its side with its legs curled underneath it. Now, it runs around using its wings and the hocks of its legs. I have been giving oral doses of Vitamin B2 supplement, but there has been no visible change. What...
  2. dairyman

    Hatching eggs

    We've had a rainy Summer, with temps about 75-90* her four weeks. Yes she was on them ALL the time.
  3. dairyman

    Hatching eggs

    She lays fine, they just don't hatch. I've got two males, and they take turns in the pen, so I know one has to "work". Some of the rotten eggs I nursed had chicks in them, just not formed yet. She'd been sitting on them for 6 weeks, so I know they weren't gonna hatch.
  4. dairyman

    Hatching eggs

    We have set eggs twice this year and none of them have hatched. I heard that a turkey's first year of laying eggs (which this is), they won't hatch. Is this true and why we're not getting any babies?
  5. dairyman

    What kind of chicken?!

    What breed?
  6. dairyman

    What kind of chicken?!
  7. dairyman


    Not if you make good income off of them! Lol ;)
  8. dairyman


    So we have 10 guineas that run freely. We don't have a tick on the place.......We have some pole bean crops in the yard. They are oft down there picking around. There are always some leaves with holes in them. Are they eating them or are they eating the bugs that might be on them? Thanks!
  9. dairyman

    Living on a Lake - Is it safe to free range our runner ducks

    mmmmmmm........Do you have snapping turtles in that area? They'll eat your babies sure as the world. If you want them in the lake, though, you can make a wire corral from your pen to the lake and run some wire a ways into the lake. Like wire on both sides, and under the water so that the turtles...
  10. dairyman

    Jackson Family Farm

    Thank you! It certainly is. Hey, I don't guess you know of any Steinsdoerfer family up there in Michigan, do you?
  11. dairyman

    Jackson Family Farm

    My my. Where to begin. Well I guess I will start with the grandparents. My Mammaw and Papaw Jackson began this farm in the 1950's. They had 4 children and began a journey they could look back on and call success. They were born and raised poor in 1931. Just in the midst of the depression. But...
  12. dairyman

    At what age should chickens start laying eggs?

    Average hen is 5-6 months old.
  13. dairyman

    New chicks questions...

    After a while you'll hatch out another rooster. If this fails, you can get another one. In-breeding is not a problem with chickens though.
  14. dairyman

    Sexing Chicks

    Thank you!
  15. dairyman

    At what age can they have crack corn or scratch feed?

    Sorry, I meant turkeys, not chickens. But the same for them too. LOL
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