Recent content by danieljames2k16

  1. danieljames2k16

    Help my 2 warrens aint laying

    How long do you think it can take for them to start laying again
  2. danieljames2k16

    Help my 2 warrens aint laying

    Hi everyone I bought 2 warrens about a week ago they both layer the first day but haven't layed since they ment to lay 6 out of 7 days I got told any advice would be great thanks
  3. danieljames2k16

    Some pictures of my chickens and turkeys today

    Yh my dog windes them up all the time
  4. danieljames2k16

    Some pictures of my chickens and turkeys today

    No problem only had the turkeys for 4 weeks now so friendly towards me but they don't like my dog always chasing after him in the field
  5. danieljames2k16

    Some pictures of my chickens and turkeys today

    I went to pick up the 2 warrens that was in the cage just to let you all know
  6. danieljames2k16

    Prettiest chick contest

    Georgous. Chickens any ages
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