Recent content by DanielleGut

  1. DanielleGut

    Easter Egger

    Oh I hope soo!!! So pretty! Thanks 😊
  2. DanielleGut

    Easter Egger

    What kind of baby chicks are these and what. Well they look like?? They said its an Easter Egger but after googleing it, it seems that there are several different kinds... Anybody know by looking at these what they will look like
  3. DanielleGut

    Bunny sexing

    So pretty!
  4. DanielleGut

    Bunny sexing

  5. DanielleGut

    Bunny sexing

    I've heard of it. But never seen a female do it.
  6. DanielleGut

    Bunny sexing

  7. DanielleGut

    Bunny sexing

    Yes. Sometimes you need to apply a bit more pressure when they are younger..... not enough to hurt them.. but some pressure and stretching should reveal what you need to know. There are a few good youtube videos that can walk you through it.... however some bunnies need a little more pressure. I...
  8. DanielleGut

    Bunny sexing

    At 4 months they should be able to be sexed.... are you applying some pressure down there to see if it's a boy?
  9. DanielleGut

    What's the temperature where you are???

    It's 39° here in Birmingham, Alabama. Overcast and going down to 28° tonight. Guess I can't complain but wheeew!!! It's cold for us! 🥶
  10. DanielleGut


    I have 2 dogs out back but the bobcat doesn't seem to care or it knows when the dogs are inside. I have an inground electric fence for the dogs so I'm not sure if I could run a 2nd electric fence..... we are planning to limit the flocks time out of the run... but it makes me nervous that the cat...
  11. DanielleGut

    First egg!

    So exciting!!! Congratulations!!!
  12. DanielleGut


    Ok so we let our flock free range during the day and they go inside their coop in the evening. It is surrounded by hardware cloth and covered in netting... nothing can get into it. It's a solid set up. But all 3 of my ducks went missing 1 by 1 sometime close to dusk 3 nights in a row. We...
  13. DanielleGut

    First egg!

    We fried ours!!
  14. DanielleGut

    Gender of Silkie

    Ok I'm still learning... so what did that mean. Is that good or bad?? What is a single comb?
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