Recent content by dashman1319

  1. dashman1319

    Did I just get attacked by one of my Welsummer pullets?

    Right - we have two roosters and both are far more wary of me (and respectful of my personal space!) than this little hen.
  2. dashman1319

    Did I just get attacked by one of my Welsummer pullets?

    Hi all, So this feels like a new one, for me anyway. I have a mixed age group of mainly ~5 month old hens/roosters. I've raised Welsummers before and have them found them to be inquisitive, flighty, and sometimes rather nervous. I have two Welsummer hens in this group. One of them has been...
  3. dashman1319

    A visiting turkey hen

    Hm, actually, I don't know for sure that it wasn't a young male. From a cursory internet search and the pictures I took, I THINK it was a female (based on the color of the head and the chest feathers) but really, I'm no expert. I don't know of anybody in my area who raises turkeys but could...
  4. dashman1319

    Mountain Lion in Southern Indiana

    I imagine that when you're a game warden, reports of Yetis and chupacabras and extinct species get tiring, and you don't want your local population getting in a fuss about mountain lions, especially if one is just wandering through. But, denying that one popped up on a trail cam just seems strange.
  5. dashman1319

    A visiting turkey hen

    It's been an interesting morning in my backyard. I heard a commotion and looked out and saw an eastern turkey hen strutting around and trying to inspect my flock. The chickens reacted as I'd have expected - the hens gathered up behind a large bush and took up the warning call, and the rooster...
  6. dashman1319

    Mountain Lion in Southern Indiana

    I was just listening to the Meateater podcast from a few months back about mountain lions. Sightings have apparently been up all across the midwest. I for sure believe when game wardens say there aren't any stable or reproducing populations that far east, but there certainly do seem to be the...
  7. dashman1319

    Just how useful is a rooster anyway?

    Well, that does seem a bit harsh on the roosters. If there's anything I've learned from this thread it's that despite my best efforts it's hard not to anthropomorphize these birds. Chicken sex is definitely not romantic to look at, but I think some of the problems I don't have (especially...
  8. dashman1319

    Just how useful is a rooster anyway?

    Ha! That, too, is good insight.
  9. dashman1319

    Just how useful is a rooster anyway?

    No. Because my inner dialogue doesn’t cause any harm to my flock, which really would be the only reason to be sarcastic or dismissive of a new flockster just sharing thoughts and getting info.
  10. dashman1319

    Just how useful is a rooster anyway?

    Wow! I think I’ve learned as much about BYC members as I have about roosters from this post! You’d think I was hitting my rooster or starving my flock of basic needs by the level of condescension! I didn’t try to get a rooster because I knew it was out of my league as a beginner. And of course...
  11. dashman1319

    Just how useful is a rooster anyway?

    Doesn’t sound harsh at all!
  12. dashman1319

    Just how useful is a rooster anyway?

    Hi all, I've posted a few times about my back and forth thinking regarding keeping a rooster that showed up in our first order of sexed chicks. We ended up with four hens and a RIR rooster. There were a lot of up and down moments, but in the end our observation seemed to be that our little...
  13. dashman1319

    On Brewery Spent Grain

    Well again, spent grain isn't fermented. It's removed from the wort well before the brewing yeast is added.
  14. dashman1319

    On Brewery Spent Grain

    I posted a question regarding using spent grains from homebrewing to supplement feed a little while back. Most agreed at the time that it was "harmless" since it was stripped of nutrients, so I appreciate this insight into the fact that it's actually got to be pretty beneficial. I'm a small time...
  15. dashman1319

    Free range chickens and patios - can they ever coexist?

    For what it's worth, the dog munching the poo was the major catalyst for wanting to clean this up. It's pretty unpleasant to see and to smell. So starting to spray them has resulted in less coprophagy from the dog as well!
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