Recent content by DavidV15

  1. DavidV15

    How to Store Eggs that are Collected Cold During the Winter

    "Thanks Teila. I've used this site for three years and find it very useful. It wasn't until tonight from your response that I realized the whole world is using it. Hope all is well down under and I hope to visit your country some day! I "Officially" joined tonight to find an answer to my...
  2. DavidV15

    How to Store Eggs that are Collected Cold During the Winter

    I'm hoping someone can put this question to rest as I can not find a concrete answer anywhere. I live in Indiana where it currently feels like 10 degrees outside. Inside my 4'x8' coop where my 10 hens roost I simply keep 2-60w bulbs at night to take the chill out of the air. Additionally they...
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