Recent content by DavioSanchez

  1. DavioSanchez

    Comment by 'DavioSanchez' in item 'Pullet-Shut Automatic Chicken Door'

    I have used mine for 6 years with no problems. It is built like a tank and never fails. To close and then open again for any stragglers to get a 2nd chance is just brilliant! I cannot recommend this Pullet-Shut Automatic door opener enough. We have the battery/solar panel/light sensor version...
  2. DavioSanchez

    Update on GROUNDS Coffee Ground Bedding for your coop!

    Our stories are exactly the same except that I have been using the Grounds from TSC for about three years. We found out about the non-availability just days ago, so my black 6x6 drying tarp will be here tomorrow and we are to pick up used grounds from Starbucks and from Elements coffee shops...
  3. DavioSanchez

    What's yalls favorite treats to give your chickens

    Not treats, really... but mine sure think they are: The guts and seeds of cantaloupe, spaghetti squash and pumpkin. And the white part of watermelon gets them excited, too.
  4. DavioSanchez

    Automatic Feed, Water, Grit, Coop Door and Ventilation

    They are well guarded. Sydney the Blackmouth Cur (hog dog) keeps the yard clear and safe.
  5. DavioSanchez

    Automatic Feed, Water, Grit, Coop Door and Ventilation

    I understand your concern, but from the ground a squirrel or a snake would be the only possible predator here. No coons, opossum, weasels, etc. Overhead, hawks would be an issue but the run has a full top on it.
  6. DavioSanchez

    Automatic Feed, Water, Grit, Coop Door and Ventilation

    Commercial? With 6 hens? LOL Even chicken math can't resolve that this is a labor of love and not about the eggs or meat. The idea is to take care of their basic needs as efficiently and cleanly as possible so that there is more time for small batches of growing fodder and fermenting feed...
  7. DavioSanchez

    Automatic Feed, Water, Grit, Coop Door and Ventilation

    These 12 week old girls have just moved to automatic feed, water and grit. The black feeder angles outside the run a bit higher up so that I can fill it without going into the run. They took right to th red water jug's two nipples in a very few minutes. Like everything else, when one figures it...
  8. DavioSanchez

    SW Georgia Newbie to forum - Time to soak up some knowledge

    Update: The 6 girls are nearly 3 weeks old. Two Buff Orps, two Barred Rocks and two white rock. They are healthy and growing like I'm sure they all do... DAILY! Grand kids involved and names for the chickens is ongoing. So far, we have Layla, Yoko, Tanzi, and Snowflake. Two more to go...
  9. DavioSanchez

    Hemp bedding

    FWIW I just ordered one 40 lb. bale of the hemp bedding from New Country Organics. The total including shipping was $40.58
  10. DavioSanchez

    Best pre-made coop?

    I have already ordered exactly that same coop and run. Great minds and all... ;)
  11. DavioSanchez

    SW Georgia Newbie to forum - Time to soak up some knowledge

    Already experiencing chicken math today! Ready to order chicks. Wanted 2 Buff Orps and 2 Dominiques, but minimum is 3 of each. So now it is 6. That fast!
  12. DavioSanchez

    SW Georgia Newbie to forum - Time to soak up some knowledge

    Just in the planning stages for a small backyard flock... 4 hens is the beginning plan. I have lots to read before I ask anything, but I assure you I will. Thanks ahead of time!
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