Recent content by dawny2u2

  1. dawny2u2

    Cuckoo Maran with spurs

    Okay, thanks. I didn't realize that, again learn something new.
  2. dawny2u2

    Cuckoo Maran with spurs

    This may sound naive. I have I thought 3 hen - cuckoo marans. They are 2 years old. There have been days where I get 3 dark brown eggs. So imagine my surprise today when I saw spurs My goodness - there isn't anything else about this chicken that looks like a rooster? So wierd!!!
  3. dawny2u2

    Natural death in hen

    Thank you both. Maybe the limpness was normal. I found her pretty quick. Ah well, part of the care taking. Thanks
  4. dawny2u2

    We got our first egg today!!! QUESTIONS!!!

    The eggs in the beginning can be rather odd. I think my first one was like a jellyfish. But I'm no pro. I am sure someone will respond who knows more , but I would not stress yet.
  5. dawny2u2

    Natural death in hen

    I just had a hen die, I think of old age but her neck was limp, so limp it seemed broken. Is this a natural state? I found her laying face down in the nest box. Nothing else looked suspicious. I did have a hen die a couple years ago, don't remember the neck being so limp. Just curious...
  6. dawny2u2

    How long will she sit on Plastic Egg?

    Of course!! I can't wait!!!
  7. dawny2u2

    How long will she sit on Plastic Egg?

    I have a Speckled Sussex who has been sitting on her nest over 2 months. Hatching a plastic egg. So far nothing has happened, but she doesnt't seem to be giving up hope. I take her out every night after the others go in, she eats, poops, drinks a little water and runs right back in. The...
  8. dawny2u2

    what do you think of this color egg

    I have a hen, Raven, ( here she is, don't know what kind of mix, but obviously part EE) who lays eggs the color of the far right. I just enjoy having the olive color in the mix.
  9. dawny2u2

    Balding Butt picked Bloody on TWO HENS? Mites? Help? (PICS ADDED)

    Adding a comment in case anyone searches in the future needs follow up. The hens look alot better! Red combs, no more bloody butts, feather loss. This coincides with the weather improving and more time free ranging. I have been feeding them the gamefeed layer feed, about 9 days, and the...
  10. dawny2u2

    Why Can't I Get to The Index?

    Still getting the error message for me, but lucky I saw your post and went right to that. Glad its fixed for the rest of you, think I will visit later.
  11. dawny2u2

    How to Catch the Egg Eater(s)

    I think you may be right about all six of them, joining in. Oooops, I may have been caught up in the frenzy myself. But I do know who took the first bite, and she will be history. I will give the others a chance, its just been depressing. 20 chickens eat alot, and I would like eggs in...
  12. dawny2u2

    How to Catch the Egg Eater(s)

    Well I caught 6 of them. I think they have to go. Its not a good day here. All the others were out free ranging, and these ones were all gobbling up an egg. It was Awful. Not the ones I suspected either. Of course, they probably are in on it too, just weren't around. Shoot!!!
  13. dawny2u2

    Balding Butt picked Bloody on TWO HENS? Mites? Help? (PICS ADDED)

    I will give that a try, thanks for looking and offering input. Will try any suggestions. It gives me hope to think a diet switch could be the answer. When I went to the feed store, the man said this is cannibalism. How enlightening. I have been searching for a "disease" or infestation...
  14. dawny2u2

    Balding Butt picked Bloody on TWO HENS? Mites? Help? (PICS ADDED)

    Thanks Miss Lydia, I must have been updating while you were replying. I don't think it is just pecking. And, oops, I didn't consider her removal in the pecking order problem. Right now they are both happily gorging on tuna. I have been using the blukote, and its not getting any better...
  15. dawny2u2

    Balding Butt picked Bloody on TWO HENS? Mites? Help? (PICS ADDED)

    Thank you for replying, I actually believed things were gettting better, and I was eager to let nature heal. But, today I went out there and she was bleeding again! So I took more pictures with her cleaned off behind. The blood seems to be coming from the top of the vent, which I don't know...
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