Recent content by ddiaz922

  1. ddiaz922

    how to breed chicken??

    The problem is that I live in a neighborhood and I don't think they would appreciate a rooster. How would I know that she's fertile and would it just be that one egg that's fertile or will she be fertile for a while?
  2. ddiaz922

    how to breed chicken??

    Ok, I realize this is a semi-old thread, but what if you only have hens, and want to use a friend's roo? Do you take the hens to the roo or bring the roo to the hens?
  3. ddiaz922


    Thanks! Those are two of my Black Jersey Giants.
  4. ddiaz922


    Interior decorating!?!?!
  5. ddiaz922


    Ha! That is exactly what happened! We went to Elizabeth and walked into there feed store and came home with 5 chicks! Two Jeresy Giants, RSL, EE, and a Light Bramaha
  6. ddiaz922


    Guess I did it the lazy way. Went and picked up five new chicks.
  7. ddiaz922


  8. ddiaz922


    Anyone going to the Colorado Honey Festival in Denver?
  9. ddiaz922


    Quite an addiction. I started with two a RIR and EE but have since picked up a Barred Rock, SLW, and a Buff. My kids love it they will do 4H come spring.
  10. ddiaz922


    Thanks! I've learned a ton reading this forum everyday.
  11. ddiaz922


    Hello from Roxborough Village! New to chickens but what a lot of fun. Sorry for your loss.
  12. ddiaz922

    Identify this chick

    I thought it may be an Easter Egger.
  13. ddiaz922

    Identify this chick

    What is this?
  14. ddiaz922

    DIY Thread - Let's see your "Inventions".

    I am going to use this feeder Idea. Zero waste! I'm all about that!
  15. ddiaz922

    New from Roxborough CO

    Thanks all!! I'll post picks of our birds soon.
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