Recent content by debbiecanachoo

  1. debbiecanachoo

    2015 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

    What pretty chickens in this thread. Here is Chocobo, our 9 wk old Buff Orpington, in close-up. It's so fun to watch these gals grow up.
  2. debbiecanachoo

    New & NUTSO waiting on mail-order babies! ARRRGH!

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes and links! I've been lurking on this forum for many months and took the time while waiting on the post office to check out lots of threads and more information. THE BABIES CAME! They were shipped fast! 24 hrs from MPC to Baton Rouge via Express Mail...
  3. debbiecanachoo

    New & NUTSO waiting on mail-order babies! ARRRGH!

    Hello, it feels like I've read so much I could have a chicken PhD by now but the real test is in the hands-on care of the critters, not knowing your book facts. I haven't handled a chick in years and years, not since I was a girl--will I be a good chick mommy? I've always had pets and animal...
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