Recent content by Deegie

  1. Deegie

    What is this on my rooster's comb?

    thank you, I will keep an eye on him
  2. Deegie

    What is this on my rooster's comb?

    Can anyone help me identify this stuff on my rooster's comb and tell me how to treat it? He is 7 months old and is the only rooster among 12 hens. They are all Buff Orpingtons. They have a secure covered run. (10 x 20 ) and a 8 x 12 coop. We live in a valley and there is very little wind. We...
  3. Deegie

    Teaching young chickens to go in the coop at night

    Hi all, I am still working on getting my teenage chickens in the coop at night. As suggested we opened the windows all the way up. We are leaving the light on dim all night long and most seem to be finding the roost once they are in the coop. I have not been placing them there. They find it on...
  4. Deegie

    Teaching young chickens to go in the coop at night

    Hello and thank you for your reply. I will open the windows all the way. We used to keep quail and they don't coop up at night. We had a terrible time with them attracting all the night predators. We had bobcats simply laying in our driveway in the evening and at night. We didn't get rid of the...
  5. Deegie

    Teaching young chickens to go in the coop at night

    Thank for this info. I thought perhaps patience was the key but wanted to ask those with experience. I do have roosts inside the coop. there are two. They are made of 2x4 turned on side so the 2" side is up. they are both 5' long and one is 15" off the floor the other is 25" off the floor. I...
  6. Deegie

    Teaching young chickens to go in the coop at night

    Hello everyone, I have so appreciated being able to come here and find answers to nearly all my questions. I do have one now that I need some more specific answers to. My husband and I are first time chicken owners. For some reason he just decided in March he wanted raise chickens. lol - We are...
  7. Deegie

    Source for US made dried mealworms?

    I have been researching both mealworms and Black Soldier Flies in the past few days. I have read that BSF have more proteins and calcium than mealworms. I found has BSF grown in the USA. I would grow them myself but our climate gets too cold in the winter for BSF to be in the wild here.
  8. Deegie

    Insulation for coop and other questions

    I loved looking at this thread and now I am brainstorming about what fun things I can put in the run. It should be plenty big enough. Thank you!
  9. Deegie

    Insulation for coop and other questions

    Okay, this is what we have (sort of) agreed on so far. The coop will be 8x12 which will allow me a few more birds should I want them. There will be no insulation (easier and cheaper) and the run will be approx 10x20 with half of it covered with a metal roof and half covered in hardware cloth...
  10. Deegie

    Insulation for coop and other questions

    Thank you for the info. What we have considered so far is an 8X12 coop. This should allow for a little chicken math. The run is 8 X 16 covered with a roof but we intend to free range. If that does not work out we will increase the size of the run. I see and understand your 4 sq feet per...
  11. Deegie

    Insulation for coop and other questions

    Hello and thank you for the info. We are getting 15 Buff Orpingtons. Only half are guaranteed to be pullets. We will see how many we end up with in the end.
  12. Deegie

    Insulation for coop and other questions

    My hubby and I are planning our first coop for our first chicks that arrive in June. I have questions that I have not been able to answer by searching the forums. 1. Our best and probably only location has an oak tree near it. This would mean acorns in the attached outdoor run. Is this a...
  13. Deegie

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Another update. I helped all four wrong enders out of the egg last night. Three looked pretty good but the one I made bleed a bit seemed really weak. I was so sad that I didn't even come to post about it. He just lay on his side panting all stretched out. This morning he looked a little stronger...
  14. Deegie

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I have one hatched. Hoping for more. He was one that didn't bleed any.
  15. Deegie

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Well, I finally helped the wrong end chicks. I suspect it may have been a bit early. I just helped crack the shell for the zip. They are still alive and seem to be trying hard. One bled a little and scared me half to death so I decided to let them be for a while. This is not the exciting hatch I...
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