Recent content by DeeTee

  1. DeeTee

    Do your hens cackle to announce eggs?

    Yeah mine too - especially in the summer. Once or twice I have seen a roo join in :-)
  2. DeeTee

    Hey Northerners: What is the absolute coldest air temps your chickens have experienced happily!

    Last night it was -20 Celsius and everyone is fine. Any colder and I put up a red heat lamp.
  3. DeeTee

    August Hatch-A-Long!

    I am starting my first hatch tomorrow. I have 15 eggs and should have about 5 more ready for tomorrow. I borrowed a still-air hovabator from a coworker to give it a shot...
  4. DeeTee

    Homemade Chicken transport boxes

    Could you please repost? Your link seems to be broken...
  5. DeeTee

    YIIIKES! But the poor hen...

    News story about a huge egg in Ottawa, Canada:
  6. DeeTee

    Delaware Yolk Color

    My Dellies always had orange yolks when they were free ranging, and yellow in the winter when they were on lay ration.
  7. DeeTee

    Egg song question??

    Quote: That's cool! I remember someone saying in a thread last year that their girls used to gather at the coop door when a hen when in to lay and then they all celebrated when she came out.
  8. DeeTee

    Egg song question??

    Quote: Heh heh -- that is one of my Delawares. They always sing the song on the way out of the nest box after laying. My Barred Rock pullets still seem to be learning how it goes. Only two of the pullets are laying so far (I have 14 BRs) and they seem to sing the song randomly whether there...
  9. DeeTee

    Delaware & BLRW owners - ?

    Last year, my new Delaware pullets were 25 weeks old when they started laying. After a month, I was getting 2 to 3 eggs every day from the 3 of them. Hang in there...
  10. DeeTee

    how long between 1st and 2nd egg

    Last year, when my Delawares started laying, I had 10 agonizing days between my first egg and the second. Now since they have been laying for a month I second fordmommy's suggestion to look for a hidden nest. Last fall, I reached under the hay rack in the goat barn to pull out some waste hay (I...
  11. DeeTee

    What size does my run need to be for 14 chickens?

    I have 14 Barred Rock pullets. A 20 ft by 20 ft run seems to be big enough that they can't dig up all the vegetation in the course of a summer. My old run was 16 by 8 and they devastated it.
  12. DeeTee

    one of my delaware hens is eating from my hand

    I have Delawares, Black Sex Links and Red hybrid layers, and the Dellies are far and away the sweetest, gentlest, friendliest birds... and good layers to boot!
  13. DeeTee

    They're ba-a-a-ck!! Do they have to "ramp up" again

    The hybrids' eggs are larger than the others' and always have been, although the others are catching up as they get older. Th hybrids have laid five eggs between them since they resumed, and two of them have been thin shelled. Maybe the thin shelled thing was just a result of them resuming...
  14. DeeTee

    Hens not laying

    You will get different opinions on what type of light to use. Mine is a standard 100 watt lihtbulb, in an 8x8 foot coop. I didn't notice before that you are in Nevada -- obviously your environment is a lot different from mine. I am in Northern Ontario, Canada. How much daylight is there in your...
  15. DeeTee

    Hens not laying

    I am no expert -- I have had chickens now for 9 months or so -- but it seems that egg production has a lot to do with light. I have a light in the coop on a timer. It comes on at 3 a.m. and goes off at 10 a.m. just to lenghthen the day for the girls. Do your grils get lots of light? My...
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