Recent content by DenisTheQuail

  1. DenisTheQuail

    Best Quail for a newbie?

    If you are just wanting eggs and have no plans to breed them females on their own will be fine they will lay without a male present
  2. DenisTheQuail

    Best Quail for a newbie?

    I just came on here to write about ramps because I suddenly remembered but u beat me to it
  3. DenisTheQuail

    Best Quail for a newbie?

    Sorry Yh I forgot to add my quails aren't constantly confined to the hutch, I let them out into a large run to exercise
  4. DenisTheQuail

    Best Quail for a newbie?

    Here in the UK I have struggled to find a game bird starter so I used chick crumb, but added powdered cat biscuits to increase the protein. They are now adults and haven't shown any problems. They are now being fed laying quail food. As for bedding I use wood shavings because it's easy to scoop...
  5. DenisTheQuail

    Best Quail for a newbie?

    I also forgot to add that I keep mine in a hutch, the type used for rabbits or guinea pigs
  6. DenisTheQuail

    Best Quail for a newbie?

    Hi there I have just started keeping quails. After doing research the best breed I discovered for laying was coturnix, so I went on eBay and ordered 1 dozen mixed hatching eggs. I managed to hatch out 9 They are now 5 weeks old and look great, so easy and quick to raise now it's just a waiting...
  7. DenisTheQuail

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    "Reaper" - Sia
  8. DenisTheQuail

    Quail eggs going for lockdown

    4 are pipping now, im so excited. Getting very impatient
  9. DenisTheQuail

    Quail eggs going for lockdown

    good thing I put them into lockdown early, today is day 15 and three are pipping@lomine
  10. DenisTheQuail

    Quail eggs going for lockdown

    Okay thanks a lot, I've just put them in lockdown
  11. DenisTheQuail

    Quail eggs going for lockdown

    Hello I am currently incubating some courturnix quail eggs and wanted some advice. Tomorrow is lockdown, however I will be at college all day and won't have time to do this in the morning....which only leaves the evening (about 6pm when I get back). My question is....would this be too late to...
  12. DenisTheQuail

    Welcome Chat Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi I'm new here, I was just wondering if someone could tell me how to start a thread?
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