Recent content by Derek Rodrigues

  1. Derek Rodrigues

    Letter to City of Hayward... What do you think?

    Spoke to them yesterday, they have had so many requests, they think it will change the law by this summer! Chickens for Hayward!
  2. Derek Rodrigues

    Getting Chickens in Hayward

    Thanks everyone! I know I am not the first on here to get chickens in Hayward. Hopefully I will hear back from those people soon. Until then, I am going to call in and see what I can find out. I had to wait until today (closed on weekends) but will post if I find any news!
  3. Derek Rodrigues

    Getting Chickens in Hayward

    Hello Everyone, I have signed up because I was searching he requirements for chickens in Hayward CA and came across and was wondering if anything came of this, or if anyone knows anything about gettings...
  4. Derek Rodrigues

    Letter to City of Hayward... What do you think?

    What is the update on this? We are also in Hayward and have just finished our garden beds and planning the location of our coop.
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