Recent content by Desert Gramma

  1. Desert Gramma

    Ended 2021 Chicken Gift-Ideas Giveaway - Over $500 In Gifts Up To $35 Each!

    Not trying to copy but I could sure use a mobile pen like this one for my girls...
  2. Desert Gramma

    Official BYC Poll: How do you name your pet chickens?

    I lay my girls tell me who they are…so I have Dora the “Explorer,” Bobby who's tail is shorter, Sophie the softie, Henry Penny the red one, Sylvia the silver one and Phyllis the sweet Polish with feathers like Phyllis Diller.
  3. Desert Gramma

    Store bought coop... I know, bad idea.. too late

    If you watch the video all the way through you will see how the wheel system will raise and lower the chicken tractor. It’s ingenious ✨
  4. Desert Gramma

    Store bought coop... I know, bad idea.. too late

    Mine will sit flush to the ground. The bars allow me to lower the wheels to move it and raise the wheels to set it down flush. It’s really a great design.
  5. Desert Gramma

    Store bought coop... I know, bad idea.. too late

    We can’t free range either because there’s too many predators around. So we decided we needed a chicken tractor and we found an old coop somebody was giving away and converted it to a chicken tractor. There are a lot of ideas and tips on YouTube for chicken tractors. Here’s the one we like and...
  6. Desert Gramma

    Hardware cloth versus welded wire.

    We use 1/4” hardware cloth; it’s welded, sturdy and predator proof.
  7. Desert Gramma

    Review by 'Desert Gramma' in article 'Tips for Successfully Sexing Your Chicks'

    This article clarifies the mystery of sexing young chickens. Thanks so much for this.
  8. Desert Gramma

    Comment by 'Desert Gramma' in article 'Tips for Successfully Sexing Your Chicks'

    Thank you for the clarification. I now believe that all my girls are hens ... yay. But I’ll still welcome a rooster if one of my girls turns out to be a fella ✨ I loved all❣️
  9. Desert Gramma

    What Breed of Chickens Do You Have?

    Sussex, Ameraucana & Silver Laced Polish
  10. Desert Gramma

    Chicken newbie here

    Hi all, Im new to raising chickens and I have a lot to learn. 3 weeks ago I bought 3 Speckled Sussex baby girls. They’re doing well, eating a lot and growing like weeds. I will pick up my 2 Rhode Island Red baby girls, and I’m looking forward to my 3 Silver Laced Polish baby girls that will...
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