Recent content by dfsndc7

  1. D

    2022 Chicks - Cackle Experience

    I agree the excitement of the texts are fun. I got the same type of text. They made labels, they got to first place, they waiting at second place. Estimated date of arrival 4 days got them on their 3rd day from hatch. 5am text saying delivered at my local post office . Package out...
  2. D

    Cackle Hatchery

    I'm so sorry . This seems unusual. I had a successful quick delivery and the babies are doing great so far. I hope you find some sort of resolve.
  3. D

    Official BYC Poll: What Is Your Least Favorite Thing About Keeping Chickens?

    Dust. Chicken dust, feather dust, the post dust bath shake off dust, diatomaceous earth dust, mulch scratch dust, feed scooping dust, sand in the coop dust, pine shavings dust, clean the coop dust, alfalfa hay dust, I keep a mask to do half the tasks. I love everything about them but oh my...
  4. D

    Pease help- lice or mite

    elector psp is pricey but worth it if they sell it near you or online. Although i used it for lice and possible mites its a one and done type of treatment. i was very pleased and doesnt have the egg withdrawl aspect after use.
  5. D

    Free range eggs found in nest after 4 days, still good?

    Yes I was not specific enough. I float about 2 doz. Of my eggs right before use at a time. I keep 2 dozen washed and floated eggs in my fridge for family consumption. We consume heavy amounts of eggs weekly as a family. Of course no confirmation until cracking them open but when I said fresh I...
  6. D

    Help identify this bug on my chickens (pics)

    Have you done egg withdrawal after those treatments? Or eaten the eggs
  7. D

    Free range eggs found in nest after 4 days, still good?

    We just had the same discovery. Our chicken laid 6 eggs, next door , 6 feet from our fence, under the neighbors small open trailer. We just found her under it. Crazy part is she came home every night for our hen count. We gathered her and the eggs from under the trailer. Non fertilized. As we...
  8. D

    Can I switch from Layer feed to Flock Raiser Feed?

    This was well written. When I had mixed flock of ages, I had free feed options of grower/starter feed in one container and layer in another. I had the grit in one bowl and oyster shell in another.. All my adult and juvenile birds would devour the chick food first which had the higher protein...
  9. D

    How many nesting boxes are suitable for this amount of birds?

    My girls are 13 hens of different ages. I made two ground level from covered kitty litter containers with the flap removed, we have two wall boxes about two feet high and two shelves nesting boxes about 4 feet and 5 feet high. Depending on broodies and pecking order 2-3 boxes get eggs at a time...
  10. D

    Help identify this bug on my chickens (pics)

    I was inspecting my birds. Found these when my Easter eggers lost their beards. Surprise. Please help me I.D. the bug So I can treat them asap.
  11. D


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? im new to chickens we inherited 3 from previous house owner in oct 2020 (2) How many chickens do you have right now? right away we ended up getting a few more. currently have 13 chickens, lost 2 along the way, adopted one total 13...
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