Recent content by diamond-egg

  1. diamond-egg

    My neighbor's dog killed one of my chickens

    Thank you. Yeah we are using this coop as a temporary home for them while we're building them a very large fenced area that connects to our barn. So they'll be able to go in and out of the barn at will, while still being protected. At first I was going to let them free range in that area but now...
  2. diamond-egg

    My neighbor's dog killed one of my chickens

    I think this is only my second post on here... sadly. I'm probably more upset than I should be right now but... I only had 6 chickens. This was our first time raising them. 2 Rhodies 2 Buffs 2 Rocks. They're still only ten weeks old, but growing fast. We got them outside in a movable coop and we...
  3. diamond-egg

    Heating bulb anxiety

    Thank you for the reassurance! I didn't know they're born in the winter. I guess they've gotta be pretty cold-hardy then!
  4. diamond-egg

    Heating bulb anxiety

    So we got 4 chicks a few days ago (2 rocks 2 orps. we're getting 2 rhode islands tomorrow as well). They're doing great! They're wings are developing feathers and 3 of them even have little tiny tail feathers starting to form. They're also scratching at the shavings and pecking around for food...
  5. diamond-egg


    Hi, I'm new 'round here. Planning on getting some chicks in the near future, mostly for personal egg production. I have my heart set on Rhode Island Reds!
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