Recent content by DiPolloAmante

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    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Oh.... i have no pic on here, i am using computer and i have no phone, i will see if my mom will send some from her phone sometime.
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    Calling all Homeschoolers

    I have been homeschooled for 6 years, I am actually in 6th grade, and i love anything that has to do with chickens if you put it simply.
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    Need egg advice

    Definitely candle them and find out how old they are through that, but it is totally understandable if they mix up. Because of the temp increases and decreases, your due date may be late or early.
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    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    I have no idea how to show pics! But my mama hen is beautiful, a silkie and barred rock mix. If I figure out how I will post pictures!
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    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    I LOVE silkies! They are my favs, but my firsts are still chicks. I named my gray one Kohaku, my white one Sunny and my Black one Akira.
  6. D

    Sick chicken!

    what did you give them
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    What did you do in the garden today?

    I watered tomatoes, weeded the asparagus and picked a lot of cucumbers and peppers. It was a fairly easy day!
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    Sick chicken!

    the same thing happened to my turkey baby. It was because she was not eating or drinking so she became weak. Has she eaten lately?
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    Sick chicken!

    Are her legs broken?!
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    Boys Need a New Home

    I wish i could have them! i have 3 silkie babies, i think 1 is a male but i am not sure. no other males in my flock! it is just too far :(
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    Boys Need a New Home

    I just joined too, glad to know i am not alone!
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    Official BYC Poll: How Did You Get Into Chickens?

    I got my first chickens 2 years ago through 4-h and i can not live without chickens anymore! I started with 7, and now i have 16 and am about to get more.
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