Recent content by dodo84

  1. dodo84

    Show us your...chicks!

    Well, my first batch is out! Six out of six eggs hatched :celebrate:celebrate I don't have my most recent pics on the tablet yet but will try and get them off the camera tomorrow. Still waiting on another six eggs, due April 8th to 16th oddly enough out of the first batch I started five eggs...
  2. dodo84

    Show us your...chicks!

    Nice chicks! Your setup looks a lot like mine :) I wish I had some cute little guys to show off right now! My first batch is only on day thirty, so I'll just have to admire yours for now :) 88% is impressive what type of incubator are you using?
  3. dodo84

    Questions about egg fertility

    Briefvisit, Thanks for the link! And you're right definitely lots of good info in past posts spent much of last weekend on the computer going through them :) And for anyone whos interested I did open the gate between the pens last week but tho Tazz and the guys did look at the open gate no one...
  4. dodo84

    Questions about egg fertility

    That is very interesting, I know doves can lay fertile eggs as long as three weeks after mating. But I had no idea about emus. Tazz is strutting and booming at the fence so I think maybe she will fill a second nest if Mel or Sid are interested. I only hope changing up pens won't make them...
  5. dodo84

    Questions about egg fertility

    Well, rats! Maybe I'll have a try putting her in with the boys. If I get lucky she won't fight with them:fl I know a lot of people keep their emus as trios, I had planned on it myself before Tazz got naughty.
  6. dodo84

    Questions about egg fertility

    I have four Emus three are 2012 chicks, and the fourth is at least twelve years old. Two of the 2012 chicks were sold as female and the third as male I now think that only one is a girl and the other two are boys. That's a bit of a problem since I was really wanting two pairs! Anyway last year...
  7. dodo84

    Anyone getting eggs yet?

    Egg #5 680g, still waiting for my second pair to start, they are both two years old three in April. At what age have most of your emus begun to lay?
  8. dodo84

    Anyone getting eggs yet?

    I'm in southern Wisconsin. The weather has been really wired this year soo cold! Real feel of 7F this morning when I did chores.
  9. dodo84

    Anyone getting eggs yet?

    I got egg #2 last night, 625g. Love your camel!
  10. dodo84

    Help with hatching!!

    Gosh! I don't know but hope someone can help! There are some very expernced people here.
  11. dodo84

    Help with hatching!!

    The chicks are doing fine but my camera isn't All my babies get electrolytes for the first ten days, and he's definitely not getting antibiotics! Thou the probiotics are a good idea!! I love them for calves. Today they spent half an hour playing in the greenhouse and ate ten meal worms each.
  12. dodo84

    Help with hatching!!

    The chicks are living in the potting room attached to the greenhouse and when I clean the pen I like the little guys to run out from under the heat lamp. Now right under the lamp a thermometer reads 100f with room to get cooler if they want, the greenhouse is around 89-90f and the chicks LOVE...
  13. dodo84

    Help with hatching!!

    I don't normally use antibiotics (have been largely organic for years) in fact I don't even keep them in the house. But I won't let any animal get sick or be in pain just so I can say no drugs. And I do totally agree over use is a huge problem. I only asked because you mentioned not absorbing...
  14. dodo84

    Help with hatching!!

    Yep, this baby is a fighter. And very determined! Do you think a round of antibiotics might be called for? in case hes not absorbing the yolk quite right. If so what would you recommend? Ether way I will be keeping an eagle eye on him!
  15. dodo84

    my emu hatch-a-long

    Not a cork screw, more like a small whitish thread. but size wise very like, you would use the same sort of pressure to expose the penis. I wish I'd got pics, it's kinda hard to explain.
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