Recent content by dogscubed

  1. dogscubed

    Poultry Nipple Help!

    I'm glad you got your friends trained. For others just getting started the easiest way to train older hens to use nipples waterers is this: Set up your nipple waterer to work as directed, then unscrew the nipple(s) to where it leaks enough to drip consistently every few seconds. Remove all...
  2. dogscubed

    When do Easter Eggers start laying?

    I had two Easter eggers that hatched Oct 1, 2014 (Early-mid spring in NZ). They didn't lay until August, 2015 (late winter). Nearly a year!
  3. dogscubed

    nipple waterers: do they work? Can older hens be trained to use them?

    I just unscrew the individual nipple so they leak a wee bit, just enough to drip once every few seconds. Do this for a day or two with their other waterer taken away and they figure it out real quick. Then just screw the nipples in all the way once they've got it.
  4. dogscubed

    When do Easter Eggers start laying?

    I've got two at the moment, one just started at 33 weeks and still waiting on the other!
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