Recent content by donnaboydjones

  1. donnaboydjones

    Build a Chunnel...

    Just found this article since I have not allowed my chickens to be free range for the first time in 11 years, due to the neighbors dog's constant killing of my flock, but them being in a run has been heartbreaking . This time of the year in Wa state, we are just a big mud puddle and no where for...
  2. donnaboydjones

    Hen's cloaca torn and hanging out.

    Thank you!! We are on 10 acres and though my chicken coop is 420 sq feet and my pen is 1200 sq ft, my flock has been free range for the past 11 years. The neighbors dogs some how have gotten threw their fence on a couple of times, and it has occurred when I am in town babysitting my...
  3. donnaboydjones

    Hen's cloaca torn and hanging out.

    Thank you and thank you so much for being one of the first people to try and help.<3
  4. donnaboydjones

    Hen's cloaca torn and hanging out.

    Thank you, that really means a lot. <3
  5. donnaboydjones

    Hen's cloaca torn and hanging out.

    Thank you so much for your reply and advice. I did all that was suggested, but bless her heart, she nor the other hen who's wounds I thought weren't as severe, even though I treated her as well, didn't make it. So far the rooster and one hen are on the mend. I truly am sick to death of my girls...
  6. donnaboydjones

    Hen's cloaca torn and hanging out.

    I am not sure why the pictures didn't go through the first time
  7. donnaboydjones

    Chicken attacked by a raccoon! Please help!

    Hey there! I am so sorry to hear about your girl. I have unfortunately had attacks by the neighbors dog, and it will just took time and patience, but she will heal. Mine were really sore for a few days and at the worst attack, it took 3 weeks before they were back up to par. I wouldn't...
  8. donnaboydjones

    Hen's cloaca torn and hanging out.

    The pictures make it look like she has poopy everywhere, but I have been cleaning it , since she's cut in that area and of course, the poop just comes out without anything to help...clench it off , sorta in a way. My flock was also at the end of their molt, so their feathers were coming back.
  9. donnaboydjones

    Hen's cloaca torn and hanging out.

    Sorry- I feel like a complete idiot!
  10. donnaboydjones

    Hen's cloaca torn and hanging out.

    Hey there! I just uploaded them to the post.
  11. donnaboydjones

    Hen's cloaca torn and hanging out.

    I don't know what's wrong with me other than stress over the situation and tending to my girls, but I meant her cloaca. Sorry y'all for all the confusion! About to upload pics.
  12. donnaboydjones

    Hen's cloaca torn and hanging out.

    I have a Americana hen that was attacked about 4 years ago and her flute was injured. Three weeks of living in my bathtub she recovered and doing fine, though her tail feathers grew towards the side because of the injury, but was able to lay and has lived a happy life. Yesterday I came home to a...
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