Recent content by dpike

  1. dpike

    Coop for one hens....

    It seems like all my small/temporary/quarantine coops resembly enclosed rabbit hutches. So, how about one of those? I don't know how much they cost, but as a short term solution you could get one of those and close up the sides. They don't need much, even in the cold, when they are healthy...
  2. dpike

    Automatic Waterers

    They are not difficult to set-up. There is a good thread from a couple of years ago on ez-BYC with good instructions. I can't seem to find the link though right now. DP Found the link:
  3. dpike


    As eggchel mentioned.. I am one, of many, that use a 55gal water set-up. There is a good thread on ez-BYC. I can't seem to find the link though. DP Here is that link:
  4. dpike

    Automatic Waterers

    Are you talking about the red bowls? I've used those. DP
  5. dpike

    Stupid question perhaps

    Thats good advice on the roo. We originally didn't want a roo, knowing we didn't need them for eggs and since we had no intention of breeding them. We did end up with a roo (it was a free mystery chick). I'm now glad we have one, for the crowing and the general management he provides for the...
  6. dpike

    Chickens loosing feathers! ! !

    A couple of thoughts... Are you sure they aren't just moulting and may be irritated? Sometimes during molt a little blood can be drawn as they pick. If the other birds see the blood they'll peck at it constantly. Do you happen to have a roo? They would typically affect the back more, but...
  7. dpike

    egg cartons

    I like too! And as an added bonus, last time I ordered they were the cheapest at the time. DP
  8. dpike

    Mark individual Forums as read...

    I doubt it would slow performance since they have one on the main page. And it would basically by the same SQL with less in the "WHERE" clause.. But maybe some just hasn't done it yet, or maybe I'm wierd in the way I read the forums! DP
  9. dpike

    Mark individual Forums as read...

    What I'm talking about... If you go the the main forum index page, you'll see a link to "Mark all topics as read". But once you click into one of the forums, let's say "General Discussion", there isn't a "Mark this topic as read" or "Mark this forum as read". Hope that makes sense. Sometimes...
  10. dpike

    Mark individual Forums as read...

    One feature I like and miss on this forum is the ability to mark individual forums as read. Is that a configurable option Rob? If you need more info on what I'm talking about, let me know. DP
  11. dpike


    I'll join Terrielacy. Bend, Oregon here! DP
  12. dpike

    Anybody have pictures of BYC merchandise?

    I'd use a clingy one if we had those.. DP
  13. dpike

    Voilà: Fonts Are Now Bigger. Let me know what you think!

    I thought the font was bigger since I logged in earlier! Looks like it's the same size now as it is on the ezBYC forum. Looks good to me. DP
  14. dpike


    If you go to Profile in the blue top nav bar, there should be an option to change your password. DP
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